Friday, July 9, 2010

Tales from Aisle 9


The question is: "How many hardware store employees does it take to get a house sparrow out of a 60 year old store?" The answer would be 3 + 2 leaf rakes + a 25"X25"X1" furnace filter and it takes about 15 tries. There was a house sparrow on the loose, running wild through the aisles of Kelly Hardware, taunting us by walking on the ground just out of reach and then taking flight as we extend for a capture. Eventually, the flying foe was forced out the front door, though none of us knew how it got in.

On another note, there was a phantom cyclist who crashed a 15 speed mountain bike into a parked car at 3:30 am. Upon viewing the security camera, it was realized that the bicycle had no rider. Apparently the bicycle was pushed down the side street at a high rate of speed before it careened over the curb and into a parked car, cracking the driver's side mirror and breaking the door handle. Upon further review, there were two shady dudes walking lazily on the main road just after the bike flew across the screen. The perps? We do not know.

Way to go Beaver Falls. You never fail to keep me guessing.
B Brog

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