Friday, July 2, 2010

Penn State Phryday


There really isn't any big Penn State news on the newswire. The only announcements are that Nebraska has officially been approved by the Big-10 board to enter the conference. Other news is that Penn State and Syracuse will be attempting for the second time to renew their 70 year old rivalry. Two years ago, Penn State and Syracuse played a "home-and-home series" (no such thing in college football in my opinion) which was the first time the two programs faced off since the Big East was created in 1990. Trying to rekindle a rivalry after 15+ years of not playing each other is tough ***COUGH***PITT***COUGH***
As far as I'm concerned, you have to play a team every year in order for it to be a rivalry. The "series" between Penn State and Syracuse for the last two meetings was an embarrassment for the Orange. At the Carrier Dome in 2008, a game which I attended, Penn State buried the Orange 55-13. The following year at the friendly confines of Beaver Stadium, Penn State came out with a 28-7 victory. In both games, Penn State's second team played the majority of the second half. The news about Penn State and Syracuse is that they will be playing an early season game in August of 2013 at the New Meadowlands Stadium. This is so the 40,000+ Penn State alumni in NYC can go see a Penn State football game. They are also working on another "home-and-home series" that will take place in 2020-21. This historical "series" looks more like the Steelers-Browns series with Penn State leading 42-23-5. I would much rather play Pitt than Syracuse.
As far as Pitt goes, we have not played them since 10 years and it is not forseen to happen again anytime soon. That rivalry is dead to me. The only fans keeping it alive are the alumni parents of current Pitt and Penn State students.

For the Glory,
B Brog

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