Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day


On Memorial Day, 1944, more than 25,000 gathered in Pittsburgh to watch the launch of LST-750, which Allegheny County residents had financed by purchasing $5,000,000 worth of extra war bonds. In 1944, Dravo Corporation's Neville Island Yard worked round the clock. It built 15 LSTs in a six-week period before the D-Day invasion. Damaged by a Japanese kamikaze, the LST-750 sank near the Philippines' Negros Island in December 1944.

information found at

B Brog

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Have a Safe and Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deep Thought Thursday


Hello, goodbye. The higher you fly the more it seems like you come crashing down. It is now 4:23 am and I am at one of my other dear friend and fellow Blackhawk ’06 baseball player’s houses. I am joined by my best friend from high school, another ‘06er and two other girls with whom I graduated from high school. One of these ladies was the long time girlfriend of Tyler Marburger, the wonderful young man who passed away this past weekend. There is but one problem. This is way too surreal. Today’s deep through Thursday comes from a lecture by the great sociology professor at Penn State, Frank Clemente.

In each of our long walks in life, there are chapters of our own life stories. The tragedy in all of our cases is that the chapter entitled “Tyler Marburger” has come to an end. With the viewing on Wednesday, Tyler dressed in his full high school uniform, and the service today, the ever so influential chapter involving Tyler has come to a close. For most of us, we still have words to be said, even though the words escape our tongues. Whether it has to do with baseball or life in general, the proverbial cliff-hanger ending consumed us all. This was not how it was supposed to end. I wish I could rewrite the story with our boy beating the odds and coming out on top like he was supposed to, the only one of us, the strongest and greatest of us making it to the big show, like it was supposed to be written.

Sadly, that is not the case. This is not one of the experiences in which we lean on each other in hopes of getting through. Instead, this is one of the situations in which everything changes. There will be no “getting through” this one. Sometimes in life, you get thrown an 87 mph slider that you just have to deal with, with no chance in hell of sitting back and taking it to right field. In such a situation, you have to take the strike as the batter and hope it is not strike 3. As much as we want to swing this whole situation away, we have to take the pitch and make the most the rest of the at-bat. From here on out it is not a matter of “getting through,” but a matter of “getting by.” As the chapter of Tyler Marburger comes to a close in all of our lives, we look at life differently; not as a group that is coping, but as a living, evolving group of lives.

For myself, I can no longer use the personal pronouns of “Al D, Ty, Bable, Justin and us” as a complete term. Even when alluding to the fact that all of the 2006 baseball players were to be pall bearers, I found myself saying “Al D, Ty, Bable and I will be pall bearers.” Something as simple as a vocabulary slip can show perspective on what someone means to you in your life. That was OUR crew. Alan Denman, Tyler Marburger, Mathias Bable, Jason Brognano, Brian Brognano and Justin Acosta were the nucleus around which our class’ baseball team was centered. The most difficult things are sometimes the simplest. Something as simple as mentioning our group of friends, without the personal pronoun of “Ty” will be one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my entire life. “This is the most tragic event of my life,” I was told by Barb Denman at the funeral home.
As I reflected upon Barb’s words, yes, this is the most tragic event in all of our lives. Growing up, we all wanted to be professional baseball players, imitating our favorite players’ batting stances in waffle ball games; name dropping the likes of Ken Griffey, Jr., Jeff Bagwell and other prominent stars of our childhood. One idea was consistent with all of us, however. Tyler was the one to do it all. Of all of us players, Tyler was to be the one who would make it to the big show. In a world of imagination and pretending, he was our reality. Perhaps that is why this week has seemed so surreal. We still refuse to believe that our all-star is really gone. Our reality was supposed to be a full recovery followed by a legendary collegiate career and a contract. Reality bites, sometimes.

Sometimes it takes something big and life changing to put life back in perspective. Through his sickness, Tyler wanted to be our second pair of eyes. He watched over us both from his home and from afar, keeping in touch through an intermediary, whether it was facebook, texts or simply having his mother park the family car at a distance. The perspective is that no matter what we all did as individuals, we had our biggest fan following us all of the time. A secret admirer that preferred to be unseen on the edge of the picture, yet still was the centerpiece of the artwork. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” is the old saying. Well, it applies to your perspective on life as well. Although on a narrower street, it would seem that we all walked alone. Believe it or not, there was a tail trailing all of us the entire time, our eyes just did not venture to the rearview mirror enough, it seems.

As I stated before, this is not something that all of us will “get through.” Rather than reading on in this chapter of life, the book has been rewritten. Sometimes we run around our track in life, jumping hurdles and mooching off each other for a water break. Today, we have no hurdles. We have a detour. Rather than mooching water bottles, we lean on each other for guidance. Do we know where this detour leads? Absolutely not. What we do know is that from here on out, there is no coping, no solace, no way of jumping the proverbial wall. We can but forge ahead, the way Tyler would want us to. Even though we may not get past this, we will use it as Tyler would want: to become closer, better and stronger as friends. Like I said on Marburger Monday, Tyler was one of the most humble superheroes anyone could ever meet. It would be his will for us to band together.

It is surreal and when we choose between reality and madness…it’s either sadness or euphoria. We celebrate Tyler and all of the great and inspirational ways in which he has touched each and every one of our lives. Whether we choose the reality that Tyler is gone, or the madness that our brains deceive us into thinking he is merely on vacation, we come together to celebrate his life, accomplishments and friendship. “That’s my baby boy” is what I always yelled when he belted a home run. The sadness is sour, but we are all truly blessed with the euphoria of Tyler’s friendship.

B Brog

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

damned if you do.....


Once again this week starts the Stanley Cup Finals between the hated Philly Flyers vs the Hossa ridden Blackhawks. By default We are pulling for the Blackhawks. The stanley cup is the oldest and most beloved trophy for professional sports in North America. After a hard fought and watched season I will be damned if I miss a game in the Finals.....

The US soccer team lost ( is that new?) last night in a Friendly( scrimmage) against no name Chec-Republic. This is on the eve of playing two more scrimmages and then Heading to Africa ( TIA) to Participate in the 2010 World cup. Over the past few tries the US of A has finally gotten a hint and instead of being a doormat to the rest of the world's football teams - they are actually competing. This is why we will be damned if you don't actually think the USA has a chance to repeat from 4 years ago to make the finals.

I hope everyone has a great start to their summers.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Truck Tuesday

As we all know the Civic Arena is nearing its end. After 48 years, the Arena will have one more big event and then retire. It is being speculated that the retractable roof may even be opened for the last event - that is if it will even open. The roof was last opened (partially) in 2001 and it was last opened all the way in 1995. It has not been annouced who will perform for the last time in this building, but if they are able to get the roof opened, I'm sure that will be a really great experience.

In other new, the Flyers and Blackhawks will be playing for the Stanley Cup soon. I have come to understand that all Pens fans hate the Flyers and understandably so. So its obvious that we should cheer for the Blackhawks right...atleast thats what I would think. Since this is my first year as a penguin fan, follower or whatever you want to label me as, I don't really understand the hostility of traded players. I guess no one has really explained to me why Hossa is loathed by Pens fans other than the fact that he used to be a Pen. But does a player have any control whether he is traded?...I didn't think so, but maybe I'm wrong. Explain that, and tell me who to cheer for!

RIP Mellon,


Monday, May 24, 2010

Marburger Monday


As you who follow the MSM know, today is normally the Pittsburgh Penguins Monday Igloo Update. However, there has been a great loss to the world. Tyler Marburger, outfielder, #4 and a dear friend of mine and fellow graduate of Blackhawk High School in 2006, passed away yesterday morning at the age of 22.

Tyler has been one of my friends since we moved to the Blackhawk school district in 3rd grade. Though we were never in any classes together until high school, we were friends through baseball. Since we were in minor league, the same group of kids played baseball together during the all-star tournament season. Tyler seemed to always be the brightest of the all-stars. Even in little league, Ty hit some of the farthest home runs I have ever seen. This continued all the way up through high school baseball when he led the team in home runs, slugging and clutch. During the playoffs of the 2006 American Legion baseball season, Ty hit some home runs that are still in the air. One of my greatest baseball memories was in the third game of the Beaver County championship series in 2006. At the time, we had won 22 straight games, a perfect 22-0 on the season. With Hopewell beading us 3-2 going into the bottom of the 7th, Hopewell brings in their ace, Scott Dunn who had won the NCAA Division III championship for Mercyhurst just months earlier. We managed to get a runner on base and into scoring position. 'Back In Black' roars out of the speakers at Park Field, "Now batting, #4, Tyler Marburger!" exclaims my father the announcer. Hopewell believed that they had the game in hand, but Ty struck one of the LONGEST walk-off home runs that I have ever seen, at any level, clearing the fence, score board, flag post and first row of trees behind the wall. Our team rushed out of the dugout, overwhelmed by excitement as Ty trotted around second base. As he rounded third and headed home, he leaped into the air and landed on home plate, receiving a standing ovation from the crowd and more hugs, high-5s and helmet hits than he could handle. He was the best baseball player I have ever had the privilege with whom to take the field.

But this goes beyond the baseball diamond. We must not overlook the personal side of his bright star. Tyler was one of the most personable, responsible, respectable, polite and humble human beings I have ever known. He always knew what to say to bring us out of a poor mood. From dirty jokes to dry whit, Ty was also one of the most fun people to be around. I think we all can say that we truly believed that his story was going to be the greatest comeback story of our generation. To our dismay, it was not to be. From here on, we remember Ty and the joy that he brought us both on the field and off. Our prayers are with the Marburger family and the myriad of people whose lives Tyler has touched.

B Brog

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pen Zen: Not at an End

Good evening Yinzers!

Many apologies to our loyal readers for my lack of writing last week (and I believe I am late posting this week as well). Due to new jobs, meetings, moves to SC, moving others out of VA, and due to the Pens collapsing (and potentially watching a Flyers v. Blackhawks series, yuck) I have been indisposed and have been unable to write.

Nevertheless, I will continue to write for The Morning Steel Mill as Wade has so graciously added me to the slate, and as they say in show business, "The show must go on!".

Due to the fact that it would be incredibly difficult to continue writing about the playoffs (not to mention incredibly painful). I took it upon myself to come up with my own rendition of the top 20 most memorable pens! Granted, these are all selections that I made, and you may not agree, but I promise to keep the historical and recent value of our beloved pens in check. Also, for those who have not followed the pens for long. Let this be a history lesson into the wonderful world that is our favorite hockey team.

Please comment below any suggestions for whom you deem worthy of this list. I will definitely take all suggestions and evaluate them in my final decision making process.

It has been a rough road and a rough end to a season, but the 2010-11 season will be here before you know it.

Go Pens!

Kennywood's OPEN!

Hola Yinz,


Get ready for your school picnic, kids! Thats right....ITS OPEN! I have written before about Kennywood Memories and how much I love eating Potato Patch fries while sitting by the Thunderbolt. If you've never been, you MUST make your own Kennywood Memories and visit the "better than Disney because it's in Pittsburgh" Park.

Check your fly, and buy a darn ticket!

Labuda on the Left Coast

Many appologies for my lack of writing.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Penn State Friday


I long for days of yore.

For the glory,
B Brog

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Deep Thoughts Thursday


I thought I would do something new on Thursdays. From now until the Penguins finish golfing, Thursdays will be 'Deep Thought Thursday.' I'll post some of my deeper thoughts of the day/week. Ok? Week 1, here goes nothing.

What is safety, really? My personal opinion, safety is preventing the natural selection of the intelligence genes. I had a customer come into the store today looking for a new switch to put in his wall because the other one had gone bad. I noticed this fellow had medical tape wrapped around his thumb. "What happened there?" I asked. "I cut myself with my utility knife, I didn't think the blade was sharp." Ladies and gentlemen, utility knives are among the sharpest knives in the world. Companies go as far as to put "Be careful, knife is sharp" on their packages. This is a safety precaution. Without it, you would be able to tell every imbecile do-it-yourself-er from those with an IQ because they would be walking around without fingers or toes and have broken bones, if they were alive to tell you what idiotic thing they had done.

In conclusion, I despise morons.

Have a nice day,
B Brog

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sexy Wednesday


Big controversy in the 2010 Miss USA as Miss Michigan has won. Her name is Rima Fakih and yes she has Muslim heritage. Why do people think that just because she has Muslim heritage that she is not American? I do not see any controversy here. She was born here, raised here and the most beautiful damn woman in the USA...she deserves the title. She enjoys long walks on the beach and Brian Brognano. I don't care if she's Muslim, Protestant, Buddist or even Catholic, I'd take her for my own.

Have a sexy Wednesday,

B Brog

Monday, May 17, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Nothing big to report on this week. I should have posted my sentimental post this week instead of last so I could talk about what a bummer it is that the pens season is over blah blah blah...

We will see you next year a shiny new arena. And I will be sure to make it to a home game, or atleast a certain roommate of mine keeps promising to take me (and the whole igloo club).

Well I am feeling lazy today, but I came across this link that I think you all will appriciate. A game by game recap of this past regular season and playoff games...all 95 of them!

Before I give you the link, I want to share with you one of my personal favorite hockey moments all season. This happened early in the season, and it was probably one of the first games I actually sat down and watched. It was definitely the first game I got really excited about and it is also where my love of Billy G began...

Seriously, check this out. It highlights all the great Pens moments!

Till Next Tuesday,

Penguins Monday


Well, Jaroslav Halak shat the bed in game 1 against those Philthy Flyers. The Flyers beat up on Montreal 6-0 in game one of the Eastern Conference Finals. In the name of all things Holy, Montreal better win this series. If I go back to Penn State's graduate school and the Flyers have won the cup, I may hang myself with piano wire. The Flyers are not as good as their playoff run has made them out to be and someone has to prove it.

In other hockey news, the IIHF World Championships are going on in Koeln, Deutschland (that's Cologne, Germany in their native text). Denmark earned itself a spot in the quarterfinals tournament as well as perennial powerhouses Canada and Finland. Russia, Sweden and Switzerland are also in the final spots for the tournament. Denmark's Cinderella story ended there, however, when they ran into two time defending IIHF champion Russia. Evgeni Malkin had a goal and two assists in the game, boosting the Reds over the Danes 6-1.

We'll keep other random hockey news coming on Mondays for the summer.

B Brog

Friday, May 14, 2010

Commencement Week

For the glory of Old State,
For her founders, strong and great,
For the future that we wait,
Raise the song! Raise the song!

Sing our love and loyalty,
Sing our hopes that bright and free,
Rest oh mother dear with thee
All with thee, all with thee.

When we stood at childhood's gate,
Shapeless in the hands of fate,
Thou didst mold us dear Old State,
Dear Old State, dear Old State.

May no act of ours bring shame,
To one heart that loves thy name,
May our lives but swell thy fame,
Dear Old State, dear Old State.


I graduate tomorrow and I could not be feeling any more confusing emotion. Trying to come up with some way to put the last four years in perspective, I decided to take a look at my favorite Penn State tune, the Alma Mater.

The glory of Old State reaches beyond anything that most students in attendance can realize. Penn State carries the reputation for being one of the great public schools in the nation. This is not just reflected in the fact that the academic programs are right on par with the greatest in the nation, but also in the quality of people that this university churns out year after year. From the founders and great figures of old, to the university grandfather Joe Paterno, Penn State instills greatness in all that grace its campus. The figures of old guide the leaders of tomorrow. Coming in as an undergrad, students are naive and shapeless in the hands of fate. Penn State University molds its student body into a family of 40,000 over their time here. Learning both in the classroom and out, Penn Staters are among the most well-rounded individuals this nation has to offer. As a Penn Stater, we shall never disgrace the name of ourselves, our family or our university. We shall always remember who we are, where we came from and be thankful for what our university has taught us.

For the Glory,
B Brog

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Penguins Playoff Thursday


Today was the most depressing day of the year. I had to shave my playoff beard. The Pens dropped games 6 and 7 to the Montreal Canadiens and that is all that needs to be said. Game 6 was all about Jaroslav Halak playing out of his mind. Game 7 was all about how Marc-Andre Fleury did not show up for the game, letting in 4 goals on just 15 shots. It's not that the Montreal Canadiens beat the Pittsburgh Penguins, it's that the Pittsburgh Penguins lost to the Montreal Canadiens. In my opinion, the best team did not win this series...the best goaltender did. Good luck Montreal, I can only hope you win the Stanley Cup so we can at least say we lost to the best.

From here on out, the Penguins Mondays and Thursdays will focus on off season news.

Let's go Pens,
B Brog

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Win a Home game.......


Game 7's are a Weird and Wonderful thing. It is a nerve-racking and awesome situation when your team that you love and follow, participates in a game 7. Especially when the "barn" that you have played in since 1967 is on the line, a chance to repeat as Champions is on the line, hell the Season is on the Line.

Nothing is given to you in this world, you have to earn everything. On paper this series is quite even- but this game is played in real life- with real people and real game time situations is not. Quite honestly I have been a wreck since the end of Game 6 the other night, and then when I got up this am, I realized we have been here before(2) in game seven situations from last year. Hell we won the cup in a game seven on the road. I am no longer worried.

I Could talk about how great we are as a team or how great the Igloo has been to me and my family etc etc. But in the end we all know whom is going to win this game- the team who works hard and gets the bounces- will it be us.......we are counting on it. ( you damn right it is us)

Lets Go Pens-give them all that they can handle and then give them more.

( ps, sorry B no time for TnA were working)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Mornin' Yinz!

This past weekend yours truly spent a few days at my uncle's condo in Panama City Beach (Pure Bliss)! On Friday evening while watching TV with my family, my uncle handed me the perfectly laminated TV guide page. I wasn't looking for any particular station, but about the tenth station on the list was Versus.

dun dun DUN! Could it be that I would actually get to see game five after missing game four because of traveling? I quickly texted a few people to confirm that the game would be shown on Versus and to my delight it was! Saturday another day was spent on the beach and we came in early to go to an outdoor shopping area and out to dinner. At 6pm (central time) I felt the itch. I didn't ask anyone when we would get home because I knew they wouldn't get it - I was with a clan of Alabamians! By the time we made it home, there were 2 minutes left in the second period.My uncle patiently watched the final period with me and I explained to him how the hockey playoffs worked - something he knew nothing about. In that last period, I finally realized something. I realized that I cared about hockey, and more specifically the pens. Over the past year of watching hockey - that sometimes felt like 2 or 3 years - and whining and complaining during most of it, I finally got sucked in. I can't give you a definitely day or game when this change occurred, but I realized it as a watched a game for the first time away from the igloo club that I wanted to watch hockey. I'm sure when I go my seperate way from the igloo club, I won't follow this sport as closely as I did this season, but I am sure that for the rest of my life, if I do catch a game, I will stop to watch it and reminise all the great times and great people that I met while watching these games.

Sorry, I let my ovaries get the better of me. I just wanted to let you all know about my epiphany.

Last night was definitely a disappointing game. But if the pattern of this series stays the same, Pittsburgh will be winning game 7. Hold your breath!

Lets Go Pens,

Penguins Playoff Monday


What a game was played in Pittsburgh on Saturday. If you did not watch it, why are we speaking? In the playoffs, Marc-Andre Fleury has only one loss in ensuing games after posting a loss. After Saturday night, he would still only have one loss in post-loss games. Game 5 was a duel of goaltenders with Marc-Andre Fleury winning the shootout at the Igloo corral. The Penguins' goals for the game were to get to Jaroslav Halak early with traffic in front of the net, and to keep up the physical play by finishing all of their checks, especially on Hal Gill and Josh Gorges. The hard work would pay off.

Kris Letang would open up the scoring late in the first period by putting home a rocket on the power play. This all but makes up for the fluke goal that went behind Marc-Andre Fleury off Letang's skate in game 4. Not to be outdone, Sergei Gonchar also added one of his patented, drifting, one-timer goals on the power play at 9:50 in the second period. Throughout the entire game, the Penguins controlled the play, much like they have done in the entire series. Dany Bylesma was quoted as saying he wants to spend "about 80% of the time in the [Canadiens] zone." That is a little steep, but the Penguins did spend a vast majority of the time in the Montreal zone. Down 2-0 late in the third period, the Canadiens pulled Jaroslav Halak when the Penguins' Pascal Dupuis took a slashing penalty with 2:26 to go in the game. It would pay off for one goal as Mike Cammalleri got a power play goal with just 31 seconds left in the game. That would be the closest the Canadiens would get. The Penguins took this one 2-1 with Marc-Andre Fleury turning away 32 out of 33 shots.

The Penguins are off to Bell Centre tonight at 6:30 to try and finish off the Canadiens. Bell Centre will be loud and rowdier than normal with the Canadiens' backs to the wall. Stick to the game plan and this one should go the Penguins' way.

Let's go Pens,
B Brog

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Playoff Pen Zen: The Final Dagger

Happy Mothers Day Yinzers!

What a beautiful Sunday! and regardless of your weather it is beautiful that the Pens won a crucial game 5 and are now 1 win away from the Eastern Conference Finals. Tomorrow, the Penguins look to end their series against the Montreal Canadiens, and get ready to see the winner of the Bruins v. Flyers series, but there is still one more win...

And Montreal is well aware of what this feels like...

As the hockey world watched the Habs beat the Washington Capitals in 7 games last series, one also had to remember that the Habs were also in a 3-1 series hole. However, they fought back, Halak was enormous in net, and they took out the Caps in 7 games to take the series and play our beloved Pens. So it would be foolish for the Pens to lay back by any stretch of the imagination. The Habs have their backs against the wall, and that's when they are most dangerous.

Thankfully, over the past 2 years, the Penguins have had exceptional success on closing out series on the road. The past 5 series that the Pens have played in the playoffs, they have closed out their opponents in their own building. The Pens have seemed to enjoy making the opposing crowds miserable while the fans in the 'Burgh celebrate for their arrival home.

However, closing out the Habs and the Halakness Monster will be no simple task. However it can be done, and this is how to do it...

1. Score Early: Take out the crowd
The Bell Centre is undoubtedly one of the loudest (and most obnoxious) arena's in the NHL. The fans are rabid and support their team to no end. The wind has to be taken out of their sails early. A goal is critical due to the fact that the Habs will be attacking hard to earn a lead and keep it. Against the Capitals, the Habs managed to take the lead in all of their final 3 wins to take the series. The Habs play a collapse defense, and they can hold a lead. This is why it is critical to stop that initial rush, take the crowd of the game, and score. A 2 goal lead is pretty much death to the Habs in this series.

2. Marc-Andre Fleury has to be dynamite
It's a sort of love/hate relationship with Fleury. Game 3 we love him, Game 4 we hate him, Game 5 we love him again. Fleury has been inconsistent all year long, but has had a great habit of being excellent when he needed to be. It takes a great deal to beat the Flower when a game goes into overtime in the playoffs, only deflections have gone past Fleury in the last few years. Nevertheless, Fleury has slowly made his way to be even better than Halak (as amazing as that sounds). However, to take the spotlight away from an exceptional goaltender in Halak, he needs to oust him one more time.

3. The Rupp and Guerin show
Perhaps the most underestimated roles for teams are the guys that aren't putting the puck in the net, making the big hits, digging in the trenches, or making the big saves, but they are the guys who just get in the way. Let's focus on the 2 goals that were scored last night. Both goals that were scored were from the point from Sergei Gonchar and Kris Letang. Both goals were absolute bombs and screamed their way into the top shelf (where momma hides the cookies). However, one of the announcers from Versus made an interesting comment about one of the goals, "Jacques Martin is seeing red, and Halak isn't seeing anything at all".

So where do Guerin and Rupp come into this picture? They were right in front of Halak blocking his vision. I am unsure if anyone could have found those shots, but as an old hockey coach once told me, "A goalie can't stop it, if he can't see it". Simply stated, find your open lanes and block Halak's (say that 10 times fast) vision. Goals will be scored, and the Pens can win this game, and there are no players on this team that can do it better than Geurin and Rupp.

4. The Goals do NOT have to come from Sid and Geno
Throughout the course of this series, all I have heard is: "Where is Sid?" or "Where is Malkin?" Accumulating only a goal a piece can be a bit tough to swallow, but there are other players on this team. Perhaps, we should be honest with ourselves: is Jaroslav Halak and exceptional goalie? Yes. Have the Habs been putting everything they have had on Sid and Geno? Yes. This leaves 2 very capable lines to play the Habs AHL caliber defense (this is due to injury, not insulting their defense) and pounce all over them. Sid and Geno have had plenty of chances, and plenty of spectacular plays, they just aren't finding the back of the net. Say what you will, but by the end of the day, if we have more goals then the Canadiens at the end of game 6, I won't care if it was Adams, Orpik, and Letestu that find the back of the net (which would be awesome).

I would think of a clever way, to say let's take game 6 and put the final dagger in the Halakness Monster and the Habs, but i think this clip will suffice:

Go Pens.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Late Night Igloo Club......

Pens Win...........

cue Sidney Crosby,

Friday, May 7, 2010

Penn State Phryday

Every college has a legend
Passed down from year to year
To which they pledge allegiance
And always cherish dear
But of all the honored idols
There's but one that stands the test
It's the stately Nittany Lion
The symbol of our best!

Hail to the Lion, loyal and true!
Hail Alma Mater, with her white and blue!
Penn State forever, molder of men
Fight for her honor, Fight! And victory again!

Indiana has its Hoosiers,
Purdue is gold and black,
The Wildcats of Northwestern
And Spartans on attack
Ohio State has its Buckeyes,
Up north the Wolverines,
But the mighty Nittany Lion,
The best they've ever seen!

Hail to the Lion, loyal and true!
Hail Alma Mater, with her white and blue!
Penn State forever, molder of men
Fight for her honor, Fight! And victory again!


With finals week officially over at 10:00 tonight, my undergraduate career at Penn State is winding down. A sigh of sadness made its way out of my chest this morning when I realized that this story is almost over. Granted, I will be back for one more academic year, but it will not be as a free-spirited undergrad. I will miss my 40,000 member family at Beaver Stadium. I will miss singing the fight songs with my fellow untalented fans. I will miss yelling "just men" after all the women yell "and women" during the chorus of 'Hail to the Lion.' Penn State has been the most fun, challenging and fulfilling experience of my life. I would stay forever if I could. Hail to the Lion, loyal and true. Once a Penn Stater, always a Penn Stater. Hail Alma Mater, with her white and blue. All Penn Staters bleed blue and white. Penn State forever, molder of men. Penn Staters go through an education and life experience to which all others pale in comparison. Fight for her honor, Fight! And victory again. Never disgrace her name, sing her praises.

Penn State Forever,
B Brog

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Penguins Playoff Thursday


Sorry for the bland blog. My only excuse is that I finished up my finals and was packing up my belongings to return to Forbes Magazine's #1 most livable city: Pittsburgh, PA. Therefore, I will just have a score report and a few words for the Thursday blog.

Tuesday's Game 3
The Penguins streak by the Montreal Canadiens 2-0, anchored by Marc-Andre Fleury's best performance of the entire year. Fleury turned away all 18 Montreal shots, several of which were in extraordinary fashion. Evgeni Malkin scored the first goal of the game at 1:16 in the third period and Pascal Dupuis added an empty netter. The overall play of the game was dominated by the Penguins, just like most of this series has been. Jaroslav Halak continued to be my vote for playoffs MVP, looking cool and collected in spite of the loss. Penguins go up in the series 2-1.

Thursday's Game 4
Frustrating is the only word to describe tonight's game. The Pittsburgh Penguins had their way with the Montreal Canadiens for approximately 45 out of the 60 minutes of hockey in this game, but still came out short, losing 3-2. Tom Pyatt got the Canadiens on the board first with what was quite possibly the softest goal of the post season through the five hole of Marc-Andre Fleury. Maxime Talbot answered just one minute later, beating Jaroslav Halak on a fast break. From there, the rest of the first two period belonged solely to the Penguins. Chris Kunitz added a power play goal to give the Pens a 2-1 lead after one period. The third period started with a goal from Maxim Lapierre to tie the game at 2. At that time, the Penguins were out-shooting the Canadiens 26-9. Brian Gionta scored a fluke goal on the Canadiens' 10th "shot" of the game. It was actually a centering pass that hit off the skate of Kris Letang and ended up behind Fleury. The Canadiens would hold onto that 3-2 lead for the remainder of the game. I felt like punching a baby at the end of this one. Jaroslav!

The series is now tied 2-2 heading back to Pittsburgh on Saturday at 7:00 pm. Crash the net, get in Halak's head and stop the bad give-aways in the neutral zone. Even if the Canadiens do not make it farther in the playoffs, Jaroslav Halak is the playoff MVP. Without him, Montreal beats nobody.

Let's go Pens,
B Brog

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo Sexy Wednesday


Happy Cinco de Mayo. I wish she was with me.

B Brog

"How Much Fried Chicken can you eat?"


The only thing I can say from last night's Pens win is WOW. When our Boy Geno hit the shot from the point on the Giant Eagle Power Play -I went nuts. The 2-0 win puts the Penguins in the driver seat heading into game 4 on Thursday night. ( pens lead series 2-1)

Have a great Wed!


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Truck Tuesday

Hey Yinz,

Kinda forgot about the Blog till just now. Oopsies!

Will post this evening before game 3.

Fire Truck (aka sunburned Truck)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Penguins Playoff Monday


Two games have been played in this semifinal series between the Canadiens and Penguins, so we'll get it going right away.

Game 1: Friday Night in Pittsburgh
The Penguins came out in dominating fashion to begin the series, taking game one by a score of 6-3. The biggest story of game one was the Penguins' power play. The Pens' specialty teams went 4/4 on the power play, contradicting everything the Montreal Canadiens did against the Washington Capitals in the quarterfinals. The Canadiens held the Capitals to just one power play goal over the course of 7 games and the Penguins scored 4 in one night. Montreal simply had no idea where the shots were going to come from on their penalty kill.

Scoring opened up in the first period off the stick of Montreal's tough-guy defenseman P.K. Subban. The Canadiens led for exactly 4:08 in this game until the Penguins began their power play tear, took the lead and never looked back. Sergei Gonchar got the first of the power play goals at 8:38 in the first, followed by another power play goal by Jordan Staal at 13:47. The Pens led 3-1 after one period of play. Kris Letang added a 3rd power play goal for the Pens at 2:34 in the second period. Mike Cammalleri showed a pulse for Montreal at 15:27 in the second, but that was silenced by Craig Adams at 18:36 and the Pens took a 4-2 lead into the locker room after 2. Alex Goligoski added the 4th of the Penguins' power play goals at 2:59 of the third. At 12:29, Brian Gionta gave Montreal a power play goal. The final dagger was thrust by Billy Guerin with an empty net goal, finalizing the score at 6-3.

Other big news from game one included a Matt Cooke hit on Andrei Markov, a lacerated ankle tendon on Jordan Staal and the pulling of Jaroslav Halak in the third period. As Markov was coming around from behind the net, Cooke was in pursuit and threw a shoulder into the big Russian. Markov wend down awkwardly into the dasher board and did not return after. Jordan Staal's injury seemed even more harmless. Coming across center ice, Staal took a shove from a Montreal defenseman and fell awkwardly. He got up limping, but it seemed normal for a hit of that style, but it would later be found that he had lacerated a tendon in his ankle in that fall. Halak was pulled in the third period after giving up 5 goals and replaced with Carey Price. Some things had to change if Montreal wanted to have a fighting chance in this series.

Game 2: Sunday afternoon in Pittsburgh
Montreal kind of turned it around in game 2. Three players in particular turned it around for the Canadiens: P.K. Subban, Jaroslav Halak and Mike Cammalleri. Without Andrei Markov in the lineup, Subban stepped up his game in a big way, playing an extremely solid defensive game 2. Jaroslav Halak went from giving up 5 goals in game one to giving up just 1 goal in game 2 after facing 39 shots. Mike Cammalleri continued his MVP-esque performance by getting two more goals, taking the scoring lead for the playoffs. The Penguins did give the Canadiens a chance this game, however. If you read yesterday's Pens Zen, you would know what I mean. As the Zen pointed out, the Penguins played an undisciplined game 2 compared to game 1. Yes, they led in shots, scoring chances and time of possession, but the Pens were trying to force plays, rather than make plays. In the end, it added up to superior numbers but an inferior score.

Matt Cooke got the Pens rolling out of the gate with a nifty move at 4:38, beating Halak through the five-hole, giving the Penguins an early 1-0 lead. This would be the only goal of the night for the Penguins, however. Brian Gionta scored at 15:48 for the Canadiens off of a pass out of the corner from team mate and fellow former Devil Scott Gomez. Marc-Andre Fleury made a poke-check on the pass, but it careened off of Fleury's stick, then off of the right instep of Brooks Orpik and right to the tape of Gionta, who was left with about half the net with which to work. This game was knotted at 1 after 1. Mike Cammalleri got his 7th goal of the playoffs in the second period when he scored a power play goal at 7:29. If this one was not on Sportscenter's top 10...shame on them. P.K. Subban took a shot from the point and the rebound came off of Fleury right to Cammalleri. There was one problem: the puck was about 3 feet off the ground. Cammalleri hackeysac-ed the puck with his right shin guard and then knocked the puck into the open net out of mid-air. Very impressive. That goal gave Montreal a 2-1 lead after 2. Cammalleri then added his second of the night at 17:06 when he ripped a break away wrist shot over the glove of Marc-Andre Fleury. Montreal took game 2 by a score of 3-1. If you want to read more into this one, check out yesterday's Pen Zen.

The series is now tied 1-1 heading into the Bell Centre. Game 3 is Tuesday night at 7:00 pm on that dreadful Versus. The Pens need to just chill out and play their game and don't try to force plays. They are a far superior team, they just need to play that way. With one game back each, I would look for contributions from Jordan Leopold and Tyler Kennedy in the absence of Jordan Staal on the third line.

Let's go Pens,
B Brog

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Playoff Pen Zen: Playoffs, thy name is frustration

Hello Yinzers,

After today's loss, there are a great deal of things to talk about. Today was a win for the Habs not only on the scoresheet, but in the eyes of how this series will play out. Luckily for us, we are 2-3 at home this playoff year, and 3-0 on the road. For players like Marc Andre Fleury, Pascal Dupuis, and Max Talbot, it will be a homecoming in Montreal. We were in this scenario going into Ottawa, but at the same time, it's frustrating when you outshoot your opponent the entire game, but the scoreboard says different. Playoffs, thy name is frustration.

Let's be honest with ourselves today. This loss was not about chances, we had them. This game was not about Jordan Staal, we could have won without him. This game was not about our penalty kill, sometimes the bounces don't go your way. No, this game had everything to do with undisciplined hockey.

For example, Sidney Crosby had a tie up with a Habs defensiveman in the 2nd period. He became angry that he was interfered with and proceeded to bash his stick into the post breaking it. Now, normally frustration can be a fueled to a positive outcome. However, Sid did not look nearly as capable and poised as he did in the first. He even made a costly turnover in the neutral zone late in the game. Sid passed to Geno, it was intercepted, and it made for an easy breakaway goal to give the Habs the final blow.

Goalies will be good. Halak was as good as he was when he played the Capitals single handedly. It is incredibly frustrating when the Pens outshoot the Habs by 10-15 shots in the 2nd and 3rd periods, and yet Montreal gets the two goals. However, this is an issue that needs to be addressed. In game 1 of this series we fell behind early. We stayed calm and were able to take the lead back and go 4-4 on the Powerplay. Halak did not stand a chance. Plays were made, not forced, and that was the difference between Games 1 and 2.

Lastly, 3-1 is an incredibly difficult lead to overcome, but it makes it 10 times worse when our heart and soul Craig Adams clobbered Marc Andre Bergeron into the boards. No one questioned the severity of the hit, and the proper call was made. That hit is inexcusable in general, but to do it when your down 3-1 with 2 minutes left just shows how frustrated the Pens truly were.

Bottom line is that this kind of play has to subside. When the Pens play their game and enjoy their game, they are unstoppable. However you cannot lose composure when the bounces just do not go your way. Erase it from your memory banks, let Bill Guerin tell a few jokes in the next practice, get loose, and give it all you got on Tuesday.

Go Pens.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Kentucky Derby


I hope everyone has a wonderful Kentucky Derby Saturday!It is by far one of the best Sports Spectacles that this great Nation has to offer. Do yourself a favor and Give it a look at 4pm today on NBC.

Happy Derby
