Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Night Out

Hola Yinz,

I am not in SoCal this week. I am spending time in South Carolina with my fam and the World Famous Wade Nixon! We watched the Pens play the Senators, sad. Nonetheless we celebrated.
We spent some time scouting out fellow Pittsburghers. We met Donny; I have a way of finding others like me.

We chatted about all things Pittsburgh. So for this week, I am making a reccomendation; Check out the Hofbrauhaus in Pittsburgh. It is modeled after the Hofbrauhaus in Munich, Germany; and a great place for food, beer, and most importantly Polka. If your in the area you must eat in the Bier Hall and enjoy a Shotski! It's my new favorite place in the Burgh!

The Pens take on the Red Wings 12:30 tomorrow...LET'S GO PENS!

All Things Pittsburgh,

Labuda on the Left Coast (actually on the Right Coast this week)

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