Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Truck Tuesdays Begin

I know it was a week ago – but I gotta say it.

rammer jammer yellow hammer, give ‘em hell alabama!

Anywho – I’m Truck and clearly I’m a bama fan. But for the purpose of this blog I’ll try to stick with my new love – Pittsburgh (insert team name here).

I am disappointed that the Steelers didn’t even make it to the Super Bowl – however, since I did join the cult, err- fan base on a not so fantastic season, I can’t be accused of being a bandwagon fan – right?

As the season progressed, I did develop an appreciation for the steelers – or maybe I was just brainwashed by the colors of the apartment, I guess we will find out when next season rolls around.

And now that the Steelers season is over we have the Pens. I must say that almost instantly I fell in love with the Pens – Penguins for those of you non-hockey, non-pittsburgh people (i.e. me 6 months ago J) Anywho – I do love them.

Growing up in the cotton fields of Alabama, I have not experienced a whole lot of ice/snow/ice skating/ice skiing/sledding/etcetera etcetera – so hockey is a novelty to me. And who couldn’t love my boyfri- I mean, Billy Gerrin’s hot porn stache – mmm tasty.

So I hope you enjoy Truck Tuesdays - sports posts from someone who doesn't know a whole lot about sports, much less Pittsburgh sports. enjoy.

till next tuesday (when I can properly figure out how to put pics up)


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