Friday, January 15, 2010

Hey Yinz,

How lucky, two posts, one day! I have been a fan of The Morning Steel Mill for over a year now; I am thrilled to have a chance to be a part of it.

My name is Labuda, and I am a misplaced Pittsburgher, coming to you from the always sunny San Diego, home to the Charger "dead bolts." The city is in a craze for the playoffs, and did I mention our mayor declared today "Super Charger Day." I am in protest, wearing my Steeler gear loud and proud. Also, I haven't been able to find a suitable Steeler Bar here, and you'd think it it would be easy in the land of plenty...think twice. I have tried out many in the area, but sadly fans of less superior teams move into my territory. I have had to step up my Pittsburghness, if you will.

Yes, that is me!

Alas, the great game of football is over for another season for us and our beloved team. This brings me to your Pittsburgh fact for the week, everyone's favorite green sticker, and a compliment to how I feel about San Diego at the moment.

Mr. Yuk is the icon of the Pittsburgh Poison Control Center, and used nationwide. It was created by the Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh for the labeling of chemicals which are poisonous. This was the replacement for the Skull and Crossbones aka the Jolly Roger aka the Pittsburgh Pirates. Who wouldn't want to drink something marked with the Pirates Logo? So a tribute to San Diego Super Charger Day, "Things marked YUK make you sick, sick, sick. Mr. Yuk is MEAN, Mr. Yuk is GREEN."

To the Chargers: We still beat you 38-28 Remember?


You can take the girl out of the BURGH, but you can't take the BURGH out of the girl,

Labuda on the Left Coast

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