Thursday, May 21, 2009

"You thought that last STORM was bad....."


Ok so this is the only time that I can use weather jokes(hurricane related) in the Blog and it is relevant. Ok on a serious note Game two tonight at the Igloo 7:30 start- we defiantly need this win before we head into the RBC center this weekend in Raleigh.

(watch for the Streaker)
I have to say that their home ice atmosphere(RBC) is quite intimidating, when they won the Stanley Cup the whole crowd did not sit one minute of regulation.

Former Penguin and Local Ryan Malone went on record from the Tampa Bay Lightning locker room saying that he is pulling for the Penguins to win the Stanley Cup. I hope at one point we get Bugsy Back.

In other sports nonsense- Micheal Vick, former Atlanta Falcons QB was released from Leavenworth Prison in Kansas yesterday morning. I can actually say that if the NFL lets this ass back in the league , then my favorite sport is turning into Roller ball/the running man. I really hope that the front office thinks hard about letting another known criminal back into the league. ( Leon Lett worked out real well)

Don't deface the Best Professional Sports league in the world by letting a known Dog Fighter back into it. He was a mediocre QB at best- seriously my opinion he was.
There is nothing really going on in Pro Sports right now- really there is nothing!

Well I hope everyone enjoys the White Out tonight!


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