Monday, May 25, 2009

Citizen Canes


Penguins are on the Brink of the Whales Conference Championship, or for the Newbies the Eastern Conference Championship this week. Game four of course is tomorrow in Raleigh, but until then we here at the MSM found out( just like everyone else) that the Canes will have a Special Guest on the Hurricane siren at the RBC center.

Former Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers Bill Cowher will be running the Hurricane's Goal Siren for Game 4 -whopidee Doo. In all honesty do you think that this will really impact the Canes? Lets think about what a poor decision this is for Bill & the Canes:

1. Bill Cowher has had no luck with Home Conference championship games when he was with the Steelers. I think off the top of my head we dropped like 3 or 4 to not go to the Super Bowl.

2. Why would Raleigh go and get a Former Pittsburgh Sports Celebrity, oh that's right because there are no Real sports Icons from Raleigh- No offense Rick Flair is from Charlotte.

What is exciting is that every NHL annalist out there along with everyone at VS television is back peddling so hard, because the Canes Savior- Cam Ward is crapping the ole bed. Ward has given up 11 goals in the past two games to the PENS.( 13 total, 11 on him,2 empty netters).

Also the Prince of Whales Trophy will be on hand at the RBC, if and I say If the Pens can complete the Sweep of the Canes we will get to punch that all mighty ticket to the SCF. I think that the Canes are a good team with allot of Talent- but they are running into the Penguins at the wrong time of year.

If I were a Cane fan I would wish for bad weather, and hope that Golf is not in my teams immediate future.



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