So watching this series is like watching the last 15 minutes of Old Yeller on a loop. Let's face it the Wings are damn good- that is what we are up against.We all know how the end of Old Yeller ends, dog gets the gun behind the barn. Were down 2-0 in this season and Dad is loading his shotgun.
This team is good , and every team is beatable-or in the wings case eatable.

This series is not dead by any means- and the Geno Fight at the end of the game just gave us a little pulse, so you know the ole saying, wait till the body(7 game series)is cold before you put us in the ground.

I can't believe that I am going to say this but I am so glad that the rest of this series is on VS, yes VS- we all know that the Pens have a hell of a time winning on the Peacock network.
We're Igloo Bound, Tuesday bring your game face.
Stall me!
Lets GO Pens!