Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Handshake and Farewell........


The Pens/ Philly rivalry went a whole norther step this year, as the Pens closed the door on the Orange brigade it just shows you how the NHL may have the best rivalries. The penguins came back from a 3-0 deficit and went on to score two more goal.

Sidney Crosby( whom Philly thinks sucks) scored two of the final three goals. Geno Malkin set the tone with his hard play and rough stuff antics.but the true star of the GAME was number 25 Max Talbot. Max got his ass kicked and then motioned to the crowd to shut up- awesome hockey player move-

Well needless to say the Penguins are moving on to face the winner of the Devils/Canes Series that may end tonight if not they will go a game 7 which will be played on Tuesday putting the first game of round two on Thursday or Friday of this upcoming week.

Congrats to the Pens for a hard fought series, Tomorrow Draft preview of all the new steelers.

Oh by the Way the Pirates keep on winning- with pitching no less.


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