Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ESPN Can you please talk more about the Draft.....


SO what the hell is Mel Kiper predicting now? ESPN thought that it would be great to have Count Dracula( MEL kiper JR) to analyse every aspect of the draft for the past two months- how boring can you get?

We all know that out of the top 15 draft picks everyone else is a total crap shoot. With that being said those top 15 draft picks can all be busts in one season. Just ask current savior of the Cleavland Browns Lady Quinn. He was supposed to set a new standard of excellence, instead the Browns fans have last place sewn up for a fourth straight year and a new Dog food commercial for the super bowl. Between all the talking heads at ESPN, they really cannot make proper judgement on a kids transition from College to the NFL. It would have to take a certain person in a certain system and an awesome set of circumstances for that player to be great.

-Hence Big Ben Rothelisburger's Rookie year at 15-1+ 1 playoff win. Not too many do it, in fact other than that instance I cannot remember on record when all the talking heads at the mothership were 100% right about a kid out of Hoboken NJ.

In our opinion thanks for being excited about the NFL, and thanks for trying to make the NFL a year long thing, but in the long run let me savor the 24 weeks I have every fall for the NFL-stop mock drafting me to death.


Let this get you fired up....if it doesn't you ain't breathing:

Mortal Combat- Finish them

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