Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are the VS studios located in Philadelphia?


You could hear a Pin drop half way through the second period as the Pens led the Cryers in game 4 last night. My biggest complaint about the game the last night was that the announcers for VS couldn't pull any harder for the Flyers. "With a 3-1 win the Pens barely got by..........."

WTF......are you serious, what planet do you idiots live on. Even in Mathematics 110 you could turn to the Chinese kid up front ( the one that smells like the dorms) and say is 3 more than one? He would nod and smile..........not say "they are almost the same- epic fail vs , epic fail".

I have no point, I am blog -venting .Ask yourself today why do all announcers Hate Pittsburgh? I mean they would root for anyone over Pittsburgh - I mean anyone, killers , vagrants and half ass hockey teams like the Flyers. No one will ever pull for the teams from Pittsburgh.

As Part of the MSM, I am never out right mean to other fan bases- but Philly give me a break, way to evacuate the new spectrum(Wak-all over you Center ) as the pens went up 3-1. What no Crosby Sucks chant? Oh what about the dozen dives that your goons threw tonight. - Ok if this is old time Hockey VS ,remind me of a time when goon hockey won a championship? A year would be viable....I'm waiting.

Quick shout out, if you get a chance today check out the ending of the Carolina Hurricane game from last night. They scored with .02 on the clock to win. Amazing.

Oh by the way Crosby Sucks..........Yeah right?

MAF Phenomenal

7pm Igloo tomorrow.

Call Arnold Slick From Turtle Crick.......................

Mortal Combat- Finish them.


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