Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ugly Betty!

Hey Yinzers,

Steelers played a knockdown drag out game against the ravens last night. To say the least It was rough. We also lost some players( for the year) that may be done for quite a while. Rashard Mendenhall is done for the season with a broken shoulder, Kendal Simmons is done for the season suffering a Achilles injury and Cary Davis was taken to the locker room with a ankle injury. This all started with the opening kickoff when Andre Frasier was injured with a spine injury .

This is quite unfortunate and now we have to see how good our replacements are. We can still win the division and we can still make a run, but we may have to make some moves to keep Ben safe. Ben has no time in the pocket to make a decision or to have a pocket not collapse on him like a few years ago. The O line is our weakness and the running game has suffered quite a loss from last night. But we are 3-1, our games have been close and we are playing the toughest schedule in league history. Steeler fans should not bitch , they should go ahead and still think we can be in every game. I would rather deal with season ending injuries than with those dumb asses in Dallas with their drama of oh throw the ball to me?!@#$%. Thank god I am a Steelers fan.


If I wasn't a Steelers fan, I glad I am not a :
RAMS FAN: Fired their coach 4 games into the season. Season over.

Raiders FAN: No coach since 1996, and skelator runs the organization.

Cowboys Fan: " drama central" Let's be men" seriously.

Patriots Fan: my championships are tainted- really we cheat to win.

Oh well so here we are have a great Tuesday! Stay Healthy


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