Monday, September 8, 2008

Yo Mamma's so Tuesday!

Who Be racin?

Hey Yinzers!

So the big rumor over night is that bicycling great Lance " one nut" Armstrong is coming back to the Tour DE France 2009. Whew! Just when you thought sports was dead the 7 time Tour DE France winner is back. I never thought we would hear the terms Anti-doping committee again. listen if that SOB who beat cancer twice and wants to come back and kick more ass for America why not.
If he comes back it would be great- but his old team said that he is not welcome back and no one really knows if this is just some nerd on the Internet whom got board and wrote a fake story- anyways at least good ole 1 nut may be back. He should totally look into dating Sheryl Crowe one more time- she is an ole' fox.

In other ridiculous sports news, big loser on the Field "Oh - NO - I - stink - OH" is not getting his way again . Reebok has stepped into the Chad Johnson controversy about wearing his new name on the back of his jersey . Hey America wake up, this fool is going to make a killing on Ocho Sinco jerseys. It is in the NFLPA association contracts that the Players receive 6% total of all Jersey sales from their jersey. I wonder how much Tom Brady will get for his official Knee Brace with the #12 on it with Pats colors.

I gots the GOLD!

But then again it is Cincinnati- there not winning may as well get some cash.

The best thing about baseball is when it is over. especially when you are a Pirates fan, it is official they will be the most loosingest baseball franchise ( composed on loosing seasons) ever. Well whoopie I am still going to be a Bucos fan not matter what. they will never take the Pirogi races away from me- never.

Back in Black ( Mike Vero)
Finally we here at MSM would like to welcome our newest member to the Sports blogging team Dr. Micheal Vero from Butler pa. Mike has been a long time friend and Yankees or should I say Yank-mees supporter from birth. He is a real top notch pain in the ass and will be entertaining you when the MSM expands to weekend ( SAT-SUN) coverage.

Wade The Duck

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday,

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