Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Funday , Times are a changing!


Good Morning. First off My thank you to all that have joined us on Facebook. We realize that trying to put together a Blog with some substance and consistency is quite difficult. Lately it has been hit or miss I apologise for that. The Staff right now is kind of in remission. Some of us are moving, post surgery recovery and a new job. In all honesty I can't believe that we have kept this Blog going for such a long time.

I believe it is time for a change.

A change like after 4 years of being sold in Pittsburgh, Fox Sports Pittsburgh along with several other Fox Sports Affiliates has changed. It is now called ROOT Sports. It is going to focus on the Pirates and the Penguins. First thing that comes to mind is what the hell is going to happen to Steelers Coverage. I really hope they don't do the split of they are only going to cover 2 out of the 3 Major sports in Pittsburgh. dumb.

We will have to see. I do not know alot of Info on it other than they hit the air on April 1st, and from the sounds of it-it may be another regeneration of KBL sports.


Pirates opened up the Regular season this past weekend in Chicago. They won their first game of the season in dramatic fashion with a Grand Slam Home run! Then yesterday they petered a lead away in the 8th inning. Oh well What do you expect, we finally have a starting young core that we could develop and build around but I am sure that by the All-Star break there will be some blockbuster deal that brings the Hansons to Town.


As we prepare to wind down on the 2010- 2011 regular season, I am fearing the wake of the Playoffs. At the time when the Pens were featured on that Winter Classic Series on HBO. I really thought that we were invincible. Well injuries and a slew of things have happened, but the truth is we are still only 2 games out of first place with 4 to play. Not to shabby. What people need to realize is that the Penguins as a whole are a pretty good team, and without two superstars they are holding their own!

Side note: the Igloo club 222( our Pens group) is Heading to Atlanta this upcoming weekend for the last regular season game of the Season. I am really looking forward to this week getting over so that we can get to Hotlanta.

You stay classy Blog readers!


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