Friday, April 22, 2011

A time of reflection....


Growing up in the Pittsburgh area the Easter Weekend was always big. From the Easter Dinner to Easter Baskets we always had a great Easter.Most importantly We always went to church like all weekend. Friday night we had Stations of the Cross then a huge Fish fry.

The Fish Fry was always jackpot. Haluski, Pirogi and Fish. Never mind the Fish two of my all time food staples especially during Football season. I always try to look back and think of when I really started liking something to the point of trying to recreate it. Through our local Pittsburgh Group we really do a great job of this when we get together.

Easter is a time for starting over and thinking about Why God's only son gave up everything for us. Be appreciative of what you have this holiday weekend. Yeah it may not be allot , or what you want right now but realize you have something.

Once again I am very thankful for our 7 readers and New Facebook following.

Happy Easter to you and your family I wish everyone safe travels.

Lets go Pens, wrap up the series tomorrow!


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