Thursday, June 3, 2010

Deep Thought Thursday


Here's to living on this earth long enough no not give a shit about anything. I work at a little, mom & pops, hardware store in Beaver Falls, PA. We get a vast array of customer types from professionals to do-it-yourself-ers to wives who are, for some reason, sent by their husbands to find a specialty part they have no idea about. I also waited on a deaf person one time...who did not know how to write. At any rate, we get a lot of older citizens that peruse the aisles. Here is a story that happened to me last week:

An old gentleman with a cane shuffled his way up to the customer service desk at the back of the store. I just so happened to be working on that computer at the time, so he asked me if I could copy his house key for me. The whole process takes approximately 45 seconds to a seasoned veteran like me, so when I finish, I head back to the counter to ring up his bill. I had not noticed that he had walked around to the side, by the key machine, right behind the wall. "Hey, old man!" he exclaimed at Bucky, a seasoned veteran of nearly 50 years at Kelly's Hardware. "Who are you calling old man, pal?" was Bucky's rebuttal. They had known each other and began talking about some things, all the while I was standing there ready to take my $1.79. Mid-sentence, the old man stopped, cut a HUGE fart, pointed at Bucky and said "Take THAT!" to which Bucky replied with "You may want to go wipe yourself."

You had to be there, folks. I asked my co-worker, "Did that seriously just happen?" What's the point? Today's deep thought is about the privilege of living long enough to not care about anything. Seriously, who rips ass in a public establishment and says "Take THAT!"? If you have lived a full enough life, I say by all means break that wind in public, call all of your friends "assholes" and yes, tell dirty jokes to small children. If we could all be lucky enough to live into our mid 80s. Therefore, tonight we should all have a drink in honor of our ancestors. The ancient Romans worshiped their ancestors for laying the foundation of the present. I'm not saying to pray to them, but pour one for your old homies.

B Brog

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