Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Cigars, Beers and Titan Tears....


After a long and awesome summer - Football season is Finally here. I myself have almost fully recovered from the Pens winning the Cup and getting my second full time job. So what are we to expect from the Defending World champions at Heinz field tonight- I'll tell you what=

Just a Blue Collar football team going back to work . I love the blue collar/ honest way that the Steelers Play football. I love the approach that if you work hard and do the right thing , good things happen and you will be rewarded.

That is Steeler Football.

That is Pittsburgh.

It is hard to write about the thing that you love , but if you personally know me - then you know where I am coming from . I spent the latter part of Wed Night Cooking for Thursday.

We are expecting a huge crowd at the Igloo Club 222 tonight for the NFL opener. If you don't know what the Igloo Club 222 is about face book us this week.

I also love that our newest roommate Chuck has adopted the Steelers and this will be a rookie season to remember. Chuck will be sporting the Jack Lambert jersey along with criticizing my recipe for Haluski.,....Ha.

What to expect here are my predictions for this year.

1. The Defense will be better than last year.

2. We will absolutely dominate teams.(a return to the 70's)

3. The only thing to fear is penalties and Injuries.

4. I still hate Phil Simms= Jackass

I hope everyone has a great Steeler Thursday and had fun with all the friends that you haven't seen all summer.


To my Steelers Group from St. Louis, Washington DC(freiss's) and Wally's, Brognano's and the Gentleman's loft at State College- Luv Yinz guys!
Flag ship for the Steelers- turn it on 102.5 WDVE pittsburgh.


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