Thursday, June 4, 2009

Seeing a Midget at Walmart = shortie!


I hope you are reading this with a smile on your face, and you stayed out in front of the Civic Arena and drank Irons all night.

Ok so yesterday I had a great feeling about last nights game long before they dropped the puck. I mean not an overconfidence but just a powerful confidence about the penguins. Maybe it was from listening to all the Penguins interviews over the past two days. Everyone sound cool , calm and ready to come back- and that they did. The superstars scored and the VS announcers are trying hard to figure out how the greatest team on Earth( Red things)could possibly lose two games straight.Boggaling?

Also it doesn't hurt when you are checking out at Walmart and you see a Midget checking out in front of you. The last time that happened to me ,Jordan Stall got a short handed goal and the series was tied going back to Detroit.

Well Kinda,
Chicken Dinner-LETS go PENS!!!!


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