Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Penguins Euphoria!


So I finally have a day off from work and can enjoy the Pens cup victory. There are actually allot of story lines playing out after the Cup . Lets start with how phenomenal the Parade was. This is no lie I have received over 300 pictures from the Night we won the cup, to a guy that was in the Locker room when Mario drank from the Cup in Detroit. ( Thanks Nate) Thank you for all the Parade pics, from my aunt and the Brognano's.

The only thing that bothers me, and maybe I am listening to the media for it , is when they just keep harping on Sidney Crosby not shaking hands to some loser douche' bag from Detroit. Can you seriously complain about something else. Not showing up , celebrating , and not shaking all the members of the opposing teams hands. Give me a f'n break.

The only person to stand up for Sid was Marian Hossa? Are you serious, the guy whom dissed Pittsburgh is now standing up for SID? Ok is this turning into wrestling just a little bit. What if, the Pens Signed Hossa this year for a one and done deal? How weird would that be.

How cool was it that Geno Malkin's Parents are local Celebrities? When they first defected in a sheep carton out of Someshitz-ilvania, we all thought it was cloak and dagger stuff. Now Yinzers realize it is just the second coming of JJ? Maybe it is starting to play out like that. Only in Pittsburgh, where two freaking foreigners can be celebrities, oh wait everyone in Pittsburgh is a foreigner too- yinz go figure.

(there is the real spelling bee champ- from the burgh)
Like I said before , I am so excited for this year. I know we have won Two championships ridiculous- but now I want as much Black and Gold as I can handle. I will have more Pics for you in the days ahead and July 1st we will start the MSM tournament Year 2 !

Have a great!


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