Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dance Card is full!


So here we are one day from game 7. Un F'n believable. MAF was a factor any way you look at it, he has made the big saves from game to game for us. But if you listen to the National media, he still doesn't hold a candle to 91 yr old phenom Chris Osbad.Yes the wizard of OZ is very good at his feeble age, but what people don't understand is that we have seen allot of growing up in the right direction from this team in this series.

The penguins are now ready to do something extraordinary. There has only been 15 game 7's in NHL history. Along with only two road teams to take home the cup on opposing ice. The pens kind of have that Pittsburgh Steeler us against the world mentality- no one is giving us a cold shot in hell's chance in Detroit on Friday- and for that I say thank you.

Big story lines still unfolding, what will Geno or SID do? Is it Billy g"s time or is it time for the Playoff Warrior R. Fedetenko to take over!

I love being in this situation one more time. Talk about squeezing the most out of your hockey season.

Lots more to come for Friday game day.

Lets Go Pens, Sorry Sykora is out for Game 7 Broken Foot.

Can Mike Lange get any better this season- ridiculous.

Get out that role of quarters, time to finish them
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