Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Wild Wedensday!

Hey Ya'll,

So here is the deal - I hosted Country Karaoke last night at the Wild Wing downtown Columbia. It usually is entertaining with multiple singers and multiple styles. ( fill in witty tone deaf reference here) But last night was special. My friend Jim and I approached our spot near the stage so that while the singing was going on we could eat.

To our Surprise a brand new dancing superhero team showed up in the crowd and not only was the singing above par, the real action was at the corner bar right up front. It was celebrity night and I didn't even know it. You may recognise this duo:

Santa Clause

Uncle Rico

Let me throw this out there , I never Knew Santa drank so much ? Why is he vacationing in Columbia SC, in the middle of the year. We came to the conclusion that he had to be on his way back to the pole from Myrtle Beach and stopped off for some karaoke with some locals.

As for uncle Rico the dancing machine, his shoes caught fire a few times and as he danced alone for approximately 2 straight hours, I thought to myself why would you want to go back to 1985 to play football anyway?

Well all in all , songs were sung, Santa was liquored up and Rico pulled something.

So we are officially under a month for football, The Athlon sports magazine franchise put out there preseason top 10 like they always do. I do not agree with some of the picks but we can dissect them in the weeks ahead: here is the list( there list)

  1. Florida

  2. ohio state

  3. oklahoma

  4. usc

  5. georgia

  6. missouri

  7. west virgina

  8. auburn

  9. lsu

  10. clemson

I do not know what to think, I have read all the stats and the top four of course are the current heavy favorites for any BCS system. I do not think this is fair by any means because what happens like the past few years if there is a three way tie again, oh that's right they will just throw Florida and OSU into the mix and be done with it. ridiculous.

In the MSM death tournament, UNCLE SAM blasted lady liberty with quite the bitch slap landing him into the second round of the tournament. Today's battle is off the cuff from last night and so since they were in the crowd at Karaoke we might as well put them head to head in the tournament so here it is:

Santa Clause


Uncle Rico

Hope you vote early and often, and try to catch Tyler and Turner in the morning on New92.com,

Have a great Hump( day)



Nixheckler said...

I take Santa Clause. Rico is an idiot.

Nixheckler said...

In Chinese "Karaoke" means...Nix is an idiot.

ConfusciousSays...... said...

make Oke walk.

MV said...

Uncle rico...

you think tom brady is going to buy the steelers? you'd have a wet dream if that happened...

Brandon said...

My vote is for santa....at least he made it in front of the judges on Americas Got Talent...I mean come one...Santa and Sharon Osborn in one place at the same time....SATAN Just got his Xmas cookies.

Unknown said...

Santa is a pacifist, and would therefore get stomped.


jer said...


You missed Santa and Uncle Rico dancing with the *other* Nix.

It was quite a show.

Think Paisley...