Monday, July 7, 2008

Booze-day? NO Tuesday

Hey Y'all,

So I'm Back( hold the applause to a minimum) .

Great Sports weekend and great outcome from the UFC fight this weekend. Almost when we get these fights on Pay per view. It is always a crap shoot. Sometimes they are good or maybe they are not. The headliner bout between Forrest Griffen and Rampage Jackson reached superstar potential . It was a great 25 minute fight. Yes they went the whole 5 rounds.

The thing that most impressed me about the fight was the post fight interviews. Do you know how some athletes come up make excuses , thank god and peace out. Not in this fight. Forrest won the belt , cried gave mad props to Rampage and then said that every time he was hit- it hurt. He was totally honest and said that he would like a re-match again to defend the title. WOW.

Here is the kicker, Rampage told it like it was, he lost no apologies or excuses. He lost ( huge round of applause and gratification from the Fans) . It was really refreshing to see two human beings that just beat the bejesus out of each other be honest and true to what just happened.

Ok - so the NHL off season has been busy for the Stanley Cup runner up pens. They are buying and selling left and right. WOW I have never seen this much action in an off season before in my life.

To get you up to speed here is what happened:


  • Sidney

  • Geno

  • Fluery

  • Orpik

  • mark eaton

  • Pascal Dupuis

New Additions:

  • Matt Cooke
  • Miraslov Satan
  • Konstantinov

This is all I know for right now!! I will have more signings in the days to come, I feel like I have missed a big one..But I am human right?

In the first ever MSM death tournament the next match up in the tournament is as follows_ since the Blog did not post like it was supposed to on Thursday we will have a patriotic battle for the 8th of JULY.

Lady Liberty

Uncle Sam

This is a colossal match up between two of the most recognized people in the United States. Plus neither of them is alive( but they are not Zombies) . Ok vote it up.

Here is a list of winners for the tournament so far:


  • Steeley Mcbeam

  • Rick Flair

  • Snuffalufagus

  • Jolly green Giant

  • Racing sausages

  • Hot dogs


  • peter griffen

  • Lady Liberty/Uncle Sam

Well the Official count down is on! AS of today it is one month till the first Pittsburgh Pre-season game at Heinz Field. Very Excited to see the Hardest schedule with the toughest team and how it unfolds.

See yinz Wednesday!



Nixheckler said...

Hockey Talk????????? WTF???? Give it up. You shouldn't talk hockey during the season much less in the off-season. Hey nix how do you expect readership to go up if you are inconsistent with blogging. Business 101- Be there when your customer wants you or they'll go somewhere else.

Nixheckler said...

I take Uncle Sam. Lady Liberty is nothing more than a french whore.

RicFlair said...

I take uncle sam. Lady Liberty would lay down faster than HM.

Prehistoricskank said...

Give me Uncle Sam. That Lady Liberty is a prehistoricskank.

Anonymous said...

rampage and forest was awesome. but rampage will have the belt again. the blood bath with koscheck was also pretty awesome.

since lady liberty wasnt even made by americans im gonna say uncle sam would rip that frenchies head off and show her, her place. naked, cookin him breakfast. in the kitchen.

uncle sam is awesome.

Jim Mitchell said...

Uncle Sam would win the fight but like heckler said she is a French whore. So I assuming Uncle Sam would hump her into submission but in the process contract herpes so he would not come away from the fight clean.