Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wedensday Bi-atches!

Hey Yinz guys,

So here we are at the middle of the Hubbub, So here in the great state of South Carolina- The Foosball players here think they are in Louisville and try to get arrested all the time. Super-star backup savior of the GameCocks is being reinstated by the University possibly by the end of the week. You know I never knew that trying to have a winning football team cost the integrity of the University but what kind of winning does that promote to young fans? I'll tell you what it promotes a team that shouldn't go 6-6 but will. Ridiculous. Period.( if you are going to cheat and get caught at least have a winning record)

In the MSM death tournament, In a very decisive win UNCLE SAM whipped Hot dogs by a very large well foot long decision into the second round he goes! IN to days long awaited match up :

Rambo ( Sylvester Stallone) No matter how old he is he can still kill you!


Peter Griffen ( quahog's lone savior)

In other scholarly news, two West Virginia Mountaineer Basketball Players were arrested at a Pittsburgh Pirates Baseball game are being arraigned on charges they had a scuffle with police at PNC park -OK so did they burn the couch when the Pirates won or just for the heck of it outside the Park?

Oh Brett Farve what are you doing. Did you know that if you stayed out of football we would not have any thing to talk about, so here is the deal last night from his Mississippi Brett Faxed in his request to be traded- lets just say that went over like a lead brick. Write in the comments section what you think or where you think he will end up for this upcoming season? Who will win the Brett Favra lottery?
IN other Great Steelers camp news: Daniel Sepulvada tore his ACL at practice yesterday=Great!

In fact lets go through the best highlights of this season

  • Best quarterback in the NFL
  • Worst Schedual in NFL history
  • NO punter
  • Patriots still cheating
  • Wade, Travis, David( friess) etc Wally's still love dem' Stillers
Have a great Middle of the week and get out and play some Bocce' Ball.


Jim Mitchell said...

Peter Griffin is personal Friends with Death there for Rambo is Dead.

Jim Mitchell said...

I predict that Brett Farve will not go back to the NFL. Instead in a last ditch effort to save their company, Bennigan's, who has filed for bankruptcy this week will hire Brett as their spokes person; causing the Texas based company to limp along for the next few years until a younger person steps into fill his shoes at the once dominant franchise.

I personal can't wait for the Patriots new Method of Undermining the folks at the NFL's head office. Hey at least my team is better at hiding stuff that Enron... I wouldn't be Surprised if Matt Estrella just up and vanishes...Estrella by the way is Spanish for star.

Anonymous said...

Rambo is arrested while trying to enter this country illegally through the Canadian Boarder, he hasn't had a passport in years... He never makes it to the Match. Peter wins by default.

Anonymous said...

Rambo Tests positive for human growth hormone in a pre-bout drug screening and is disqualified. Peter wins.

Anonymous said...

John James Rambo is, I am pretty sure, based loosely on John McCain...Their for with the combined age of Rambo and McCain he is way too old to do anything. Peter Griffin on the other hand is immortal unless you have an eraser, and quite frankly I don't think you have the grapes.

Jim Mitchell said...

This is just came across the wire at work. "Early this morning a Giant in American history was struck by speeding Vehicle and killed. Uncle Sam was pronounced dead about 20 minutes later at the scene. The description of the vehicle was very unusual color scheme of yellow, white and red with Wisconsin plates that read 'WEENR'"

Nixheckler said...

I take Rambo. He would not fear death. He would blow death's head off just as he has done over 10,000 comies.

Nixheckler said...

If Peter Griffin is friends with death and can morph into a T-Rex then Rambo and his bow and arrow are no match.

Nixheckler said...

I am very much ashamed of you Nix. You claim to be an intelligent sports fan, but your blog does not reflect that. I am sick and tired of you making up things about sports and your constant lying on the show in the mornings. I am sickened! You suck!