Friday, July 18, 2008

Up all night Friday!

Hey Y'all,

So last night at MIDNIGHT EST. The release of THE DARK NIGHT hit theaters. Needless to say I am blogging about it immediately. My friend Jim and my self lasted the whole 3 hours and I am not going to sleep( actually) going straight to work....

Jim said not to give away anything about the plot until next week , but since this is a sports blog I know i have to get back to sports- well maybe - OK on Monday.

Here is my advice, stop everything on Friday and go and see the movie. It may be the most flawless piece of film I have ever seen. Christan Bale , Micheal Cain and Heath Ledger may have given the performances of their lives. Heath Ledger did us justice by playing the best character ever- his performance( not by his death) was his most complete and believable character ever.

I have always been a BATMAN fan, from Adam West and Burt Ward to the Micheal Keaton Days when he was battling "Jack " as the Joker. Don't forget the very dark and controversial cartoon on fox( my dad and I used to watch) . I have never seen a movie of any genre be a complete story with full development of characters and story line in a 3 hour period- go see it.

In the MSM death Tournament Terminators vs Jedi , let me state by saying I did not know that the next big movie by Christan Bale is when he is going to play John Conner in the final terminator movie coming out next summer. OK ENOUGH MOVIES.................................the Jedi's prevail and move onto the semi final rounds of the tournament .

ON Monday I will show a list of winners and match ups for everyone to vote on.

Have a great weekend and I will get back to sports on Monday!


1 comment:

Jim Mitchell said...

HOLY HELL BATMAN!I don't like to throw the word Genius around that often it's not like telling a chick "I love you" to get her to sleep with you, it carries more weight than that. I mean there are a lot of things I love, you know, like fresh out of the dryer underwear on a cold day; but to call someone a genius you just cant bestow that upon someone all willy nilly but Christopher,Johnathon Nolan and the entire cast of Batman: The Dark Knight, minus Maggie Gyllenhaal, Pure Genius and it was all helmed by Heath Leadger. I would like to thank all the pale faced, acne ridden, warcraft playing, name written in their underwear geeks for coming out to the midnight showing. Never before has the smell of accutane and the sight of orthopedic shoes made a trip to the cinema so enjoyable.