Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wheres Waldo Friday?

Hey Ya'll,

So here is the deal I was at the wing Tuesday night trying to decide whom got shafted in getting into the MSM death Tournament? Here is my list and reason why :

  • Waldo( nobody could find him to battle)

  • Will Smith( fresh prince of neon colors)

  • The Joker( whom knew????)

  • the cobra ki( karate kid- put em in a body bag Johnny)

  • David Hasselhoff( original Knight rider)

  • Crocket and Tubbs( Miami Vice)

  • Cookie Monster

SO last night in the WNBA there was a huge fight- with the original bad boy Bill Lambier Huge cat fight 7 people were ejected 11 gals were involved. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened in the WNBA here is the video:Really Crappy Video

Today in the MSM death TOURNAMENT ANOTHER second round upset from last night Bigfoot Smashed the Competition against the Smurfs and She-Ra........

So as the second round continues the reasons are getting better and the competition is getting tougher- today's match up consists of the following:

Santa Clause


The Huxtables

Vote early and often on this second round death match, I have a feeling that JELLO won't be any help to Theo as the Man in the red suit has blood on his mind!sorry that there was no blog on Wednesday but I had to travel to PA for a Family thing! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

See you on the road,Friday!



Jim Mitchell said...

Nothing can beat the Awesome power of Viacom Syndication which makes the Huxtables omnipresent neutralizing Santa's ability to travel the world to every child's house in the world on a single night.Not to mention your pinning an entire family against a single fabled man who does not exist anymore(sorry kids after I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus I got a little crazy hit the bottle and took a .22 to the back of his head. See I used a .22 because it doesn't make a mess like a .45. A .45 would blow a barn door out the back of your head while the .22 will just rattle around inside till your dead and then there is less clean up)There are other reasons besides numbers the Huxatables would win... They are all city kids which means you know they packing so even if Santa summoned those damn deer they wouldn't have a chance because Rudy would be out there with an AK to mow them down in the back alley. So Santa's exit strategy is now null and void. Heathcliff is also a doctor see, so he has a wealth of knowledge about human anatomy not to mention his superior abilities of circular logic will confuse anyone to the point where their head would explode. Further more I refer you to I spy and Ghost Dad. That means not Only Does Heathcliff have weapons training but he is Already a member of the growing army of the un-dead thus rendering Santa Claus a non-threat...My prediction Santa Calls in claiming to have the Flu in order to avoid humiliation and death.

Nixheckler said...

Huxtables would dominate this match. Santa would have them in trouble but Elvin would come running in from backstage and jump into the ring a stick a shiv in Santa's back while Vanessa and Rudy were distracting a referee. Santa would slowly loose blood and power. Heathcliff would finish him off by chocking him with a pooding pop.

Jim Mitchell said...

There is nothing better than to hear that someone is going to shank someone else. I feel as though it's a lost art like letter writing or Chinese water torcher...Damn Geneva Convention.

Anonymous said...

Santa is too old. There is no way he could even contend with the likes of Sandra, Rudy, Theo and the others we care not to remember... Solent Green is people Santa; Lest you forget!

Anonymous said...

My Name Morty Elftstein And I used to work for that fat prick Santa, and yes I am a Jewish elf you want to fight about? Let me tell you this that putz doesn't now his jingle balls from his misseltow. If it wasn't for me and few other of us "ethnic types" as he referred to us that workshop would have never produced anything it was like a friggin sweatshop in there 16 hour days 20 minutes for lunch barely making Minimum wage and when he found out the minimum was going up today he axed us all and outsourced the work to india and Thailand. Some Jolly Ol' Fellow he turned out to be. Only thing he ever gave me was type 2 diabetes because he fed us nothing but candy canes and cookies