Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday-Wed-Happy Days!

Hey Y'all,

Ok So for my faithful readers to the MSM I have some explaining to do . I have not been slack but I have had a run of bad luck. You know how you hear someone has had their identity stolen - well it happened to me. So I am trying to find out how I can pick up the pieces and move forward, I really am not upset or even worried about it- I am just glad to have the opportunity to continue on with the MILL.

So In UFC news Quinton Rampage Jackson Is in big trouble, Last night he was arrested The story was initially reported by the website, which has photos of Jackson lying face down on the street behind his truck, a 2008 Ford F-350 turbo diesel, as a police officer has his gun drawn and is pointing it at him- wow. So it's summer and my first big "your in troublllle story is not about a Tennessee Titan?"Double wow.

In the MSM death tournament the folk Lore known as Big Foot Has triumphed over a three day span, What probably happened is that the Truck BIG foot ran out of gas and gave up ( at these gas prices) .

In today's big wed match up, It's two Television Icons from the lamest thing in the world_ cable TV. One is a Invention GURU the other is a GURU in catching Perverts and online predators.

It's Billy Mays


Chris Hansen

How will this unfold? Will oxyclean overtake a camera crew and a thirteen year old girl whom just made some Ice tea? Let us know in the Comments section.

So that is it for a two day romp , we should be back on track starting tomorrow! Have a great day!

( Oh yeah The ALL- Star Game went to like 14 innings with half the crowd leaving in the 11th- wow Bucos fever Catch it!)



Unknown said...

Billy Mays has a beard, so he would win.

But on a serious note, someone stole Nix's identity? I am shocked and outraged! I can understand how one might want to do such a thing, I mean, there isn't a night that goes by where I don't wish to wake up as the Nix in the morning. But to actually STEAL your identity in MINDBOGGELING! My mind has been boggeled.

Nixheckler said...

Obviously Billy Mays likes the 13 year old boys. So Chris Hansen would take hime down.

Nixheckler said...

Nixs identity consists of a 6 pack, a bunch of poorly conceived jokes, a ticket stub from a preseason steelers game, 5 dollars and 6 cents, a mess of failed sexual encounters and faded memories. Who would want that?

Anonymous said...

that sucks brosef. i hope they find the pseudo-Nix, and beat him with a 3/4 inch rubber hose. highly unlikely, but who doesnt like wishful thinking.

i think chris hansen would win, because he makes me laugh, that show is hilarious. and Billy Mayes raises his voice to much, feels like he is yelling at me, i dont like confrontation.