Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey Y'all,

So it's official , the blog counter has been running for one month and to my surprise we are Kicking some serious ass. In a week where Id's were stolen and ungodly hours were worked- This is a true positive. I really wanted to thank all of you just for stopping by to read my Blog. Hell I didn't even know what a blog was a few months ago- I am sure that there are better blogs out there. But one thing is for sure that the commenter's and the people that click on to it daily really make a difference and I promise that in the weeks to come with football it will really improve. We have some new editions coming in Pre-season too. So stay tuned and Thank you very much.

Ok so now that the love- fest is over....How bout that the next installment of Batman returns to theaters tonight at midnight. I am really excited to see what happens in Heath ledgers last performance.It's a shame He looks like a great Joker. Oh well hope the Movie is great!

For the first time in my lifetime the Steelers are having some serious drama with the ownership- this is enough and now Allegheny county wants money back if the Rooney's are not the primary owners- please let this end. I totally blame that damn Steeley Mcbeam- if he wouldn't have shown up I think that everything would have been ok - but noooooooooooo we had to have a mascot thanks alot.

Speaking of Drama: MSM has an exclusive phone conversation that was held between Brett Farve and the Green Bay Packers- we have exclusive rights to share this with you .........

Phone rings:

Green Bay Packers: Hello?

Brett Farve: Uh Hiiiii? How have you guys been doing?

Green Bay Packers: Brett we are fine why are you calling? You know that we don't want to talk to you right now in fact we don't want you talking to anyone....

Brett Farve: Well I was thinking since all those nice people in GB showed up at that rally for me that you guys possibly would just want to maybe uh...... you know........

Green Bay Packers:Brett are you trying to get back together with us? You know what the answer is.

Brett Farve: But I , I am ( Crying outright) the face of your franchise and I want to play football.

Green Bay Packers: Um the answer is no, and we have someone new you may have heard of him Arron Rodgers, and Brett he is not wining like you are right now.

Brett Farve: screw you guys and I want my cheese back- now.( Hangs up phone)

Green Bay Packers: Wow what happened to him, Aaron it was no-body must have been a wrong number.

We may be having allot of problems in Pittsburgh but at least we can handle a break up, Just ask Kordel when Yancy wouldn't return his phone calls.

In the battle of cool guy supremacy Billy mays moves on over Chris Hansen this was a huge shocker , kind of like America's obsession with watching Hansen put pedophiles behind bars. Weird.

In the Final first round match up for the MSM death tournament, we have a match up of brutal proportion. these two mortal enemies will probably meet in some science fiction basement party of the quiet kid in your math class.




The reason I Am grouping them is so that you can interchange the Jedi's versus the terminators. Two of the greatest challengers of all time. Hope you vote and vote often .

In Fridays MSM I will recap all first round winners and start talking a little football.

Thanks for hanging in there during my crapper of a week!



MV said...

great, does this mean you'll be talking about your man crush, tom brady? i think i'll stop reading this blog if that happens

Nixheckler said...

Hey idiot. 2 votes for chris hansen and 1 vote for billy mays equals a chris hanson victory. You cannot just decide who advances, this is a democracy not a dictatorship.

Nixheckler said...

The Jedi's would defeat the terminator without even trying. Weak matchup Jedi's will clearly win the whole tournament, way to go nix. Oh well maybe you will just advance terminator over jedi's even if the jedi's win the vote. thats just how you roll i guess. u suck nix!!

nathanpeterson said...

Here are some real match-ups. Ric Flair vs. Brooke Hogan. Global Warming vs. natural fluxuations in global climate. Obama vs. David Duke. Jesse Jackson vs. a noose.

Prehistoricskank said...

Here is a real tournament: godzilla vs king kong, gi joe vs stretch armstrong, robin vs heterosexuality, nix vs nixheckler, nix vs id theft, AA vs KKK, NAACP vs WWE, mike tyson vs tanya harding.

Nixheckler said...

People that want to comment on the blog need to make it accesible to everyone. None of this email crap to nix directly. If you got somethin to say, say it to everyone. Have some nuts and let everyone read it, quit being chickenchit.

Nixheckler said...

What ever happened to having pride in your blogcommentness?

MSM said...

Dude- seriously, there are emails sometimes and they do count right off the bat. any kind of input counts.
Dude- what's wrong with Billy mays moving on he won.
Dude- i mean come on we have alot of big matchups coming up

Nixheckler said...

Nix(German)refers to a shapeshifting water spirit who usually appears in human form. The spirit has appeared in the myths and legends of all Germanic peoples in Europe. The English Nix is generally depicted as a wyrm or dragon, thus attesting to the survival of the other usage as any 'water-being' rather than an exclusively humanoid creature.

Nixheckler said...

Nix Cream Rinse:

Nix is a cream used to combat scabies and head lice.

Nixheckler said...

Obviously the last match should be a 3 way tag match. Nix(the idiot radio personality) vs. Nix(the shape shifting water creature) vs Nix(the scabies cream). What a match!!!!!!!

RicFlair said...

I would take Nix(the idiot radio personality). The match would go like this. Nix would start to talk incesently, the water spirit attack the cream and therefore becoming some sort of 'slimer' type creature. Next Nix would take out the water spirit by punching hime 3 times, then throwing him off the roper, then raising his giant yellow boat into the air for the spirit to run into, then after the spirit is on the ground nix would run to the ropes bounce off them then do a powerful legdrop onto the head of the spirit. 1...2....3....That's it!!!!!!

tiffaneyperry said...

Nix(the water spirit) would clearly win: Nix(the person) if deathly frightened of water(can't swim) and a tube a cream is easily stepped on.