Wednesday, July 9, 2008

OH MY Thursday?

Hey Ya'll,

So this is the part where I say, "can't wait till football. And everyone at MSM thinks ok idiot say something not about how it's summer and there really isn't any sports etc.

Ok so now that we have that over with , this blog is dedicated to TWO big idiots that made terrible decisons over the past year in there respective sports.

Lets start with loser #1 Rich Rodriguez.

Give me a break - what a huge loser. Just for you that don't know the R squared soap opera, Rodriguez came out last year and said that no matter what he would never leave his forat and only love Coaching for the West Virginia Mountaineers. Well soon after his office was empty and his bank account was not- he skipped town for Big ten lame-ass Michigan. Whom I may throw in was embarassed by DII National champion( 3time) Appalachain State. Michigan is paying WVU 4 millon dollars over the next two years for his Official contract.

So kids what does this short version tell you:

  • There is no Loyalty even though you say in press confrence after press confrence" I will never go to another school- or leave my almamader.

  • West Virginia fans contemplated jumping off the New River Gorge( largest free standing bridge on the east coast) In protest- they decided against it.

  • His wife should be worried. ( probably not faithful)

So good luck R-squared and I hope that Coastal Carolina upsets you in the weeks to come.

Loser #2: Tony "Poundcake" Stewart

Let me start off by saying I have no love loss for this man. In fact if you have ever been to a NASCAR event, after a few beverages I chant out loud-"You say TONY, I sAY hit the wall"It goes over quite nicely. He wants out of Joe gibbs racing and wants to start his own team here is why it will not work:

  • Home Depot will follow Stewart but then will raise prices again for no apparant reason. Depot sucks

  • He will have to get a butter or margarine sponsor because of his latest Mullet and over weight look he may not be aboe to get into the car soon.

  • He Left Joe Gibbs racing for Tony Stewart racing?-ass-

In MSM tournament News Last nights match up, So the votes came up even in the comments column And i was totally distraught until I received two emails about the 9 o'clock hour last night ( the amazing Internet) from listeners of the morning Y'all Turnative and surprisingly they both took the man in the little red suit. So Santa edges Uncle Rico in the closest battle to date. Great job everyone! and HOOORAY FOR Santa!

Tonight's match up puts two 80's sitcom family's in the middle of a death match to see whom moves on to the next round.

The Huxtables


The Seivers

Not only will this be down and dirty, Race has nothing to do with this over achieved love fest of death. Tell us why your family will win over all.

I have decided that if you post your email in the comments section I would be glad to send you a copy of the MSM tournament bracket. I have not figured out this blog thing yet and I think it will be helpful if you guys can see what is going on.

I hope you all take a listen to the morning chatter on CHATTTTER you can catch our crazy antics from the first morning of the show.

Have a great day!



Jim Mitchell said...

Little known fact Bill Cosby's Sweater, made out of Kevlar and Rudy is actually a cybernetic organism sent from the future. So on unless the Sievers have a cousin named John Connor, it's the Cosbys late in the second. Sure Kirk Cameron will try all that turn the other cheek nonsense and say "Oh I am a born again can't we settle our differences over some Hi-C and Fluff-er-Nutters" Then I don’t know if you have seen Theo Lately because I think he is part Predator? He'll finish them off by ripping out their Spines and some how Danny glover will get involve... This match to be officiated by Mark Furman. Security will be tight to keep Leonardo DiCaprio from busting in and ruining the show along with Raven Simon.

Jim Mitchell said...

No other Comments eh? Well give the Huxtables a Jell-O Pudding Pop to Celebrate and take a family portrait on Kodak Film, because it looks like they are going to mop the floor with Allen Thicke... Come on Show that smile again. Especially you Tracy Gold get out of the corner and stop purging it was just hamburger your going to need that food in your stomach when you go out drinking later.

Nixheckler said...

I take the huxtables