Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday-Funday? Nah......

Hey Y'all,

So here it is another week, and for some of my friends out there they know that my weekend was the real pits. So I am here to spread my love over the world wide intra net by Bringing you the next installment of MSM. Oh Bother-

So Brett Farve wants back in, and The Packers just like any brake up are trying to pull themselves together and move on. I Blame Brett for just not sticking around another year- I mean when it gets right down to it he has enough energy to go and do a Wrangler Comerical why didn't he save that energy and work out /play another grueling year in Wisconsin. This is an ugly divorce and yes it is going to be in the papers and the neighbors are talking. I wish that both sides would move on and possibly Brett should get another endorsement down the road so he doesn't sit around and think about what might have been? Sigh-

In other sports news, The All- Star festivities kicked off with a bang yesterday int he Bronx. Yes it's baseball and yes I am a PIRATES fan, but my good friend MIKE VERO is a huge YANKEES fan and so I am excited that the midsummer classic is being played tomorrow night for the final time at Yank-me stadium. I really do appreciate the historic value of the all-star game and where it is and what it means.

I also like that whom ever wins that is the Home field throughout the World Series. All in all I just like Football more.

Talking about the Pits- MSM death Tournament continues on and the winner of the inter gender tag team match went in a last minute upset to She-ra and the Smurfs. I think that He-man and his "Pumpkin head had something to do with this" .

Today's match up hit me over the weekend when driving to my parents place, this battle if for the sole purpose of supremacy of the name BIGFOOT

Bigfoot the woodland creature and folklore of all the world will be going head to head against the Most recognizable monster truck of all time. Do your best and pick the winner ,vote away and make sure you have a good reason why they won!

The steelers are now being said that they are up for sale, well not really but the thought of the Rooney's not being in charge is really bad for this yinzer......what would ART DO?

I Hope everyone has a great beginning to their week! Can't wait to be back again tomorrow.



Nixheckler said...

The animal Bigfoot wouuld clearly win in a close match. The truck would look and look for him but Bigfoot is elusive. Bigfoot the animal would win by surprise attack.

Nixheckler said...

Ah yes...the popularity is just skyrocketing for the nix blog.

canadianBill said...

I've got your money Aaaaa!!!!! I love hockey and vowel sounds Aaaaa!!!!

canadianBill said...

meet me behind the old mill at 1400 hours and I'll return everything i've taken...Ehh(Aaaaa)!!!!

Nixheckler said...

you can whore yerself out to 1000 fat women for $50 each or you can whore yerself out to 50 really fat women for $1000 each.

cusepats said...

The bigfoot truck would clearly win....haven't you seen those Jack Links commercials??? If those morons can outsmart Big foot, I have supreme faith in the monster truck leaving skidmarks on his backside!

Jim Mitchell said...

There is no way that a machine that's soul purpose is to crush cars, drive over mud ramps, and piloted by a person could ever beat an animal that in some shape or form inhabits 6 of the seven continents and has gone only moderately detected for literally thousands of years and may or may not have a complex social system. They are kind of like the French Sans the white flag.

MV said...

it's not yank-me stadium...

sasquatch would win, though the truck would put up a hell of a fight.

MV said...

it's not yank-me stadium...

sasquatch would win, though the truck would put up a hell of a fight.

Nixheckler said...

Hey nix, if you want people to come to your site and read your blogs you have to do it everyday. Not just when you feel like it. You suck as an individual nix. I hope nothing but bad for you.

Unknown said...
