Thursday, July 10, 2008

Freaked out Friday( Well maybe)!

Hey Y'all,

So here it is last day of the week( sigh).
When was the last time you flipped out. You went Postal-not From the Mailbag....So I found this newest flip out by a minor leauge manager. Wo why do you think that these Managers flip, is it because Baseball is slow and not really intresting until the post season? Watch this and let me know what whould you do if you were a part of this blow up?BLOW UP

So more changes with the Steelers. I am kind of upset like many other Steeler Fans, First the introduction of Steely Mc Beam and now maybe the reins of the franchise may be sold. I am really kind of shaky about this. We are taking a franchise that has made no changes over the last forty years and now I am supposed to be ok with that: This is what I think, Art JR . Is getting up in years and maybe he is making preperations for when he is not around in the long ahead future. So on one hand, I think that it is very responcible for the Rooney's to plan for the future- and I know nothing ever stays the same but-I hope this does not make a huge impact.

IF the Rooney's can't figure it out.................
Let that Yinzer who paints his face buy the team- but please NO MORE CHANGES!

UFC is being challenges by another Yinzer with Cash. Mark Cuban is starting a MMA leauge trying to cash in on the new fanbase of Mixed Martial Arts, Dana white says his is the best , the staple and the most watched as of the last Pay Per View show with UFC 86. It is going to be hard to take down Dana White and The UFC. Kimbo slice will not be the savior of the Anti-UFC movement.

MSM death tournament continues on through the weekend with last nights battle between the HUX's and the Seivers coming down to the last blow - literally. The Huxtables win in a landslide- I received two votes on here and about 9 emails with growing pains getting 2.

Today's Match up includes a blast from the Past remember watching saturday morning cartoons and if you were like me ( Wrestling ) right after it, well what would happen if two of our favorites entered the ring together. Here is the twist It is an intergeder Tag-team death match:

Snorks & Gem


Smurfs & Shee-ra

OK when you vote make it creative, and for the intergender match up you can vote more than once! I will let this ride throughout the weekend. I hope the Dana White Won't get mad because the MSM death tournament is getting pretty (heated) Dumb!

Have a Safe and Wonderful Weekend

Yinzer's keep your head's up!



Nixheckler said...

Snork team will win. The Smurfs will not be able to fight very well with tiny blue boners in their pants. They are accustomed to seeing only the 1 female smurf. They will not be able to concentrate on fighting will she-ra around.

Jim Mitchell said...

I am going to have to go ahead and say it's all Smurfs and She-ra. There is no sexual attraction between the two. Smurfs are not into interracial relationships and She-ra is about as straight as Rosie O'Donnell (although far less militant)on hot day at Fire Island.

M said...

Practice at 7pm on Sunday for any potential derby referees...

~Mel Anoma

Unknown said...

She-ra bangs He-man so you have to figure that He-man might jump into the fracas. Also, if this event is held on dry land the snorks will suffocate to death before the match even begins. Of course if it is underwater the snorks will dominate.

Jim Mitchell said...

He-Man and She-Ra are not "banging" look at a picture of him and try and tell me that pumpkin hair cutted freak is straight.

Unknown said...

jim mitchell, you are a fool.