Sunday, July 20, 2008

Batman Hangover (Monday)!

Hey y'all,

So the whole weekend was crazy with Batman Talk. Like I said on Friday it was awesome it was bigger than life and to this date is the movie of the century. Best MAGIC trick ever!Check out this site for three free pre-views if you are not sold on going to see this masterpiece yet:THE DARK KNIGHT

So in an effort to increase the increasingly popular sport of MMA, Spike TV had a Free Pay-per view on Saturday night with the Main event featuring Anderson Silva. I am not even going to mention the other chumps name because :37 seconds into the Fight Silva knocked him out( hit him in the mouth). One of the greatest knockouts I have ever seen.

We are really close to Football season and NFL news is starting to pick up, Jason Taylor is now a REDSKIN. Pretty interesting that they wanted rid of him that bad that the Dolphins only got two draft picks in exchange. I am glad he is not with them anymore- they didn't need to treat him poorly because he did extracurricular things that didn't include drugs- hookers or outrageous money- he danced. The dolphins front office needs to grow up- and win more than one game next year.

In the MSM death tournament - things are starting to heat up right now. Here are the first round winners and here are the pairings for the second round:

  • JEDI'S vs Billy Mays

  • Bigfoot vs She-Ra and the Smurfs

  • Santa Clause Vs Huxtables

  • Uncle Sam vs Hot dogs

  • Peter Griffin Vs Rambo

  • Racing Sausages vs Jolly Green Giant

  • Snuffalufagus vs Steeley McBeam

  • Rick Flair vs BATMAN

The rules stay the same, pick your winner and the reason why and yes we are only accepting online comments to be counted as votes. Just think when this tournament is done Football season will be here.

Lets start with our first second round match up in the MSM death tournament:



Billie Mays

Vote early and often and We here at MSM really appreciate all the support we have been getting in the past couple months. Keep on Keeping on!

See Everyone on Tuesday!



Jim Mitchell said...

I am finding my disdain for humanity growing exponentially. I would like to refer you to the chart I have prepared; please notice what I call the J-curve of hate.

Billy Mays takes the Jedis and heres how... Mays convinces them that their robes are dirty and offers to show how them how he can get them brighter with oxie clean. They strip down to their rebel alliance issued undies and in the process they place their light sabers on the ground, Mays sprays orange glow in their eyes rendering them briefly incapacitated. Next Mays ties them up with that putty crap he peddles, you know that you can pull a truck with. And of course Mace Windu gets all mouthy so Mays promptly shoves a Zorbees in his mouth. With Luke Sky Walker in his underwear and taking what he learned with the fight with "To Catch Predator" he makes them all some ice tea then sexually molests them. When he is finished he force feeds them all energize energy supplement causing them to all to have explosive diarrhea causing them all to become dehydrated and unable to use the force. Now that he has neutralized the possibility of any of those mind tricks he takes out his Cutco Kitchenware and brutally slits their throats, licks the blood covered knife and says "This can be all your for three easy payments of 19.95", Obi wans dieing body twitches forcing Billy to Proclaim "Wait there's more", he plunges the 8 inch carving knife into his heart ending the fight and decrees "While supplies Last! Operators are standing By!”

Nixheckler said...

William Mays would win due to the fact that his mind trick is stronger than the jedi's mind trick. Anyone who can peddle all the chit he does is tough to beat. He would simply sell them on the fact that they should kill themselves and they would.