Monday, June 16, 2008


Hey Ya'll,

So Tiger wins again- boring. Let me go and tell you how I feel about woods. This is my personal opinion( other than myself) No one should care. I do not think he is good for the game of golf. He is arrogant not fan receptive and the figure head of a rapidly popular sport. How is this good for the game?

The game of Golf reaches so many people, that when he is out there playing or watching at home people worship him. Yes He is the greatest, He is talented and yes he is the best. Probably of all time. But in this age of me me and more me. He is not receptive to the average golfer, or person by that manner. He is not good in front of a camera, he lacks personality and personally he is not a nice person. Like I said this is just my opinion, do not blast me because I don't know how many championships he has won etc etc. I know all that. let me ask you this about Tiger, when was the last time he gave an interview that he actually looked interested in talking to the press or the fans. What is with his wining about everything in the crowd. Be a dude- be an athlete. I suck at golf but at least when I play I am having a good time and trying to enjoy the moment.

I guarantee that People will call me out on a whole bunch of levels on this- but what ever.

So it's summer, this is summer almost 56 days till Steelers training camp. Or NFL camp in general - So what is the deal with Chad Johnson. I really have no opinion on this situation because the Bengals have to be able to work things out with Johnson b/c as of this weekend Chris Henry is suspended indefinitely-oh and let go . Ok what part of out of control does management with Cinci not get? I don't even blame Marvin Harison. He can only do so much.

Well write in and tell me what you would like to talk about in the next installment of the steel mill. We are wide open for this summer. Oh and no, I do not have any Bologna in my house- try Josh's.

Listen tomorrow morning on the World Wide Internet to get a glimpse of my dating habits on the Tyler and Turner morning show on or in the Capital City at 92.1 fm

Talk to ya'll hump day!



nathanpeterson said...

I know all about your dating habbits. First you come on way too strong and then the girl freaks out and leaves. If you actually date a girl for more than a month then it is safe to say she is certifiable.

Nixheckler said...

I have to say that I agree with everything is your blog today. I have nothing negative to say.

Nixheckler said...

I lied. YOU SUCK as an individual!!!!1

Nixheckler said...

that tickers really crankin now

Nixheckler said...

56 days til training camp? Get your head out of your a$$ Nix! It is 40 days til Steelers training camp!!!!!!

RicFlair said...

To be the man...You gotta beat the man...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

banana hammock said...

First of all Nix run your spell check. Secondly, the Steelers are gonna suck this year just like the Chiefs so get over it (you too Nixheckler). No one cares about them or Big Ben. Third, Nix why don't you talk about who your team is gonna be this year. Is it Mizzou, Notre Dame, Louisville, South Carolina, K-State, Clemson or every other school in the U.S. Pick a team man!!!!! Oh I also hate Tiger Woods he can suck a fat one!