Wednesday, June 4, 2008

SUPER, SUPER Wedensday!

Hey Ya'll,

Well as a fan you always look forward to big games. The feeling is different when your team is on the brink of elimination. As a Pens fan we have had many uPs and downs but the last game was one of best games I have ever seen.

I hope the Pens Win and we can see the last game on Saturday. Gary Roberts is sitting and waiting they better be scared.

This past weekend KIMBO SLICE fought on Saturday, I am an avid UFC MMA fan, the fight was a little disappointing. I had the feeling that CBS needed KIMBO to win to push MMA on the mainstream level. It has been a long time since we had a Friday/Saturday night fight on prime time. The thing that I can comment on other the fight was that when KIMBO was interviewed post fight he admitted on how much more he has to learn. If he was to fight someone in the middle of UFC he would be decimated.

New92 will be out and about this week, look for us in the midlands, Looking forward to more Country Concentration. Keep listening and winning. Thanks for all the support and hope to hear more from my peeps' . What do you think or whom do you think KIMBO should fight next?

Hope them PEN"S win Talk to ya'll Tomorrow,



banana hammock said...

Nix, what is this hockey you keep talking about. I only know about how to make the pizza pies. TPJ

banana hammock said...

Nix, next time maybe you should try choking nixheckler, that might help you win some games, worked for bobby knight.

uptil6 said...

Nix we have decided to offer you a 2 year contract extension. This wil be the last if u cant make the new talent mesh and get back to the top. GOOD LUCK

nathanpeterson said...

the fan base seems to be rapidly declining

Unknown said...

I think Kimbo should fight Mr. T next.

I'm sure you did a remarkable job coaching over the weekend Nix, I hear the talent level you had to coach was subpar at best.

nathanpeterson said...

Fancy was her name.

B said...

Jaeger Bombs will force game 7 Nix