Monday, June 30, 2008


Hey y'all,


Peter Griffin__


American DAD__

So this is what the Bracket looks like in the next( current) match-up for the MSM death tournament. It has a real fourth of July feel to it doesn't it.

(Forest Griffen- no relation to peter)

In other non- football sports news UFC 86 is this week and what a headliner fight. Forest Griffin vs. Rampage Jackson. If you recall Jackson stunned the world by knocking out Chuck Lidel a few months back . That gave Jackson a much needed push and the Belt( light heavy weight ) . I am truly looking forward to this fight this weekend.

Here is the Site:

Well The Tampa Bay Lightning are cleaning house and putting together write a roster for next year. With head mullet in charge the pens may have some competition in the East. Oh by the way Gary Roberts and Ryan Malone from the Pens are two of the newest Bolts- congrats losers.

Hey it was brought to my attention by one of the blogger son this site that when picking a winner you have to describe how the match was won. Oh one more thing, tell your friends about this site I would like to continue to get my numbers up so I can expand the site in the weeks to come with some videos and other live feed things . Simple More people, more comments= more money!

( Real life picture of Peter Griffin)isn't the Internet great!

I appreciate that it has only been up for a few weeks, and we are doing as well as we can here in the middle of summer( crickets) but we do have football right around the corner.

Boom goes the dynamite!



Nixheckler said...

Again readership down...I guess the blogcommentness of the readers is lacking.

Nixheckler said...

I take Peter Griffin. He would win based on the fact that death himself is a friend of Peters. I think this fact will make it tough for anyone to take out Peter Griffin.

Nixheckler said...

Too many grammatical errors in blog today. What is the matter nix, no time to spell check or proof read?

Nixheckler said...

Hang it up nix, your blog is a flog, your radio career is a flop and you are a flop as a person.

Anonymous said...

Peter Griffin... I think we have all seen him fight the chicken.

Coach Tomlin said...

wade....season is almost here. I had to fire my personal assistant because he brought me the KFC cold. I came across your blog and like your dedication to PGH sports. Please send your resume for the PA postion to