Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thirsty Thursday!

Hey Ya'll,

Had a great time on the show yesterday with U-TURN Laverne. Excelent show. As for stupid athletes.

Let me put this disclaimer out there right now. I live and die by the Black and Gold. There will never be a greater team - fanbase or love of anything in my life than the Pittsburgh Steelers. As for that being said. Terry Bradshaw came clean about his steroid usage in his career to heal quicker. OK , When first reading the article in the Post Gazette I was Pissed , But as always and I can't say that for all TV/sports personalities Dan Patrick was a gentleman and a scholar in the interview. Check out the article.

My responce to that was Big deal - did you see what Skelator( AL Davis) did with the Radiers- give me a break . Just like I do not want to know who killed Kennedy I do not want to know who used steroids over their career.

MSM death tournament countinues with a huge Battle from yesterday as JOlly Green Giant with his huge set of brussel sprouts beat the SPMM ,JOlly prevailed in a battle of the giants. Today's tournament matchup has a different twist to it.

It's a mascot Gang fight, The Sausages from the Milwaukee Brewers are taking on the Perogis from the Pittsburgh Pirates. With a side of butter and onions I think I know who is going to win this polyester gang war. In fact they are going to battle for two days-so vote more than once over the next two days. We will go into specifics about each of the Pirogi sand Sausages tomorrow.

Listen every morning to the TNT Morning hysteria on 92.1 in the midlands or on your 'puter at NEW92.1

Have a Great Thursday!!


uptil6 said...

I'm going to go with the the sausages. The only reason why is that everything that comes out of Pittsburgh sucks.

Unknown said...

uptil6 going for the sausages... go figure.

Prehistoricskank said...

I like the weiners!