Monday, June 23, 2008

Tensions Tuesday?

Hey Ya'll,

Over the weekend a couple of the Commenter's here at the MSM have gone absolutely nuts. I must agree I like the banter but in all good fun why can't we all get along with out references to Liberace'.

Ok so the tournament must continue , and with my better judgement In a first round match up Longtime best Friend of Big Bird Snuffalufagus is battling old time rockers, Tenacious D. Jack Black and Kyle Gass have their hands full on this one. Write in with your vote telling why each of these individuals should move on to the next round.

I am still having some computer issues but by the end of the week I will figure out how you can get a copy of the tournament brackets.

In other news, Long time smart-ass and great Comic George Carlin passed away on Sunday evening. This is a total bummer. He never changed his shtick and is totally funny all the time. Check out allot of the new postings on

UFC has a huge fight coming up next weekend we will be previewing that in the days to come along with other NFL Arrests.

Have a great night ya'll( play nice)



Nixheckler said...

This comment section is mine. No one dare challenge my blogcommentness lest they be crushed.

Nixheckler said...

I vote snuf, but I didn't like the matchup

Prehistoricskank said...

I think that James and Javmaster are stupid heads

WadeNixon said...

I agree prehistoricskank. I know them both and they are more questionable than a Patriots victory since the hiring of Bill Belicheat.

Nixheckler said...

More questionable than a man that has to show that he has a large vocabulary to compensate for something else that should be larger but just isn't. His mommy told him it was okay but he still is has to make up for it.

MSM said...

So Finaly the new word from the Heckler- BLOGCOMMENTENESS oooh its so big. I will try to use it in the days to come.