Monday, June 9, 2008

Retire me on tuesday?

Hey Ya'll,

Chunky soup Talking head and Super Bowl Champion Micheal strahan has decided to call it quits. Other than he should go on to be a great spokesperson for the ADA( American Dental Association) I have to say that he was an ok athlete. Not allot of trouble and great attitude on and off the Field.

In other NFL news the Chicago Bears released Cedrick Benson following his arrest early this week with illegal prescriptions. Yeah note to self I make a gazzilon dollars a year playing a sport for my living- let me go out and screw it up immediately. He should contact Micheal Vick sometime and talk about what winners they are-seriously.

Finally I am kind of disappointed from the Nix Hater, what no new word to unleash greatness on the world. Just a bunch of math problems that no one can understand. The morning steel mill still awaits greatness.

On the show this morning I was looking for Paul Ruben who is in town shooting a film called Nailed. No Pee wee in the midlands sorry , I tried. Make sure to Listen tommorow morning to for the long awaited return of SD. Welcome back little buddy!

stay cool and look forward to Hump day- ya'll,



uptil6 said...

Nix that picture of peewee looks like you trying to catch a football.

Nixheckler said...

I agree with you uptil6, but I've seen Nix try to kiss many girls before and that is the look and posture they assume when Nix makes his descusting advances.

Nixheckler said...

My new word will be revieled when it is to be used properly in a sentence.

Nixheckler said...

That's right I spelled 'revealed' 'revieled', but that's just how the nixheckler rolls.

banana hammock said...

That peewee picture actually looks like Nix the first time he saw a girls boobs.