Thursday, June 5, 2008

Have your Parade-

Hey Ya'll,

Well the run is over, The Penguins fell 3-2 last evening to the Stanley Cup Champions Detroit red wings. Oh well what can you do . On paper the Penguins were absolutely fabulous- but on the score board not so much. Now the off season shenanigans of of whom is staying and whom is going will start in about a week.

Thanks for a great season, it was quite a run and quite a team. The Redwings were very good, but you have to realize we still have the best fans and the greatest sports city in the world.

City of Columbia Mayor Bob Coble stopped in the Morning Ya'll turnative this morning and we came up with some new city slogans. Here were my 6 slogans for the great city of Columbia:

1. COLUMBIA-better than eating broken glass

2.COLUMBIA-were' all here

3. Shut yo mouth- COLUMBIA

4.COLUMBIA-Bring your quarters

5.Columbia- you can park here maybe?

6. COLUMBIA- where meter maids are angry......

I know golden as usual. kidding. It was great hanging out with Mayor BOB and if you missed the Morning show( THE morning Ya'll turnative) check us out on the World wide Intra-net.

How do you feal about men wearing monocles? The single glasses for esteemed professors or scotch drinkers? Yes or No would you wear one?( I would)

Have a great Thursday Ya'll,



Unknown said...

I think you would look very handsome wearing a monicle Nix.

Seay said...

COLUMBIA-It's like Colombia with more coke.