Monday, June 16, 2008

Golf ,Basketball and Woman's Rollerderby !

Hey Ya'll ,

So the title pretty much sums up my whole weekend. There was alot of Golf and the NBA finals but the most exciting point/part of my whole weekend was at the Jamil Temple last night for woman's roller derby.

I would have to say( this is not an exact number) but there had to be a crowd of at least 600 people last night at the Jamil Temple here in the Capital city. Now this was my first Roller Derby bout in about 20 years. It was nothing like I had imagined at all. It was very organized and entertaining on allot of levels. Both teams were represented very well.

The first team The Columbia quad Squad really had there stuff together. They buried the other team( the Richland County Regulators) pretty handily. But the score was not the entertaining part to me. People watching and seeing whom was in this crowd. Talk about one of the most diverse crowds I have ever seen. It was like walking on the Midway at a carnival with James Caan and Rollerball thrown in. It was an experience.

Big Props to the Richland County Regulators, it was there first bout ever last night, and even though they took some lumps- they gave it right back to the 5-0 Columbia quad squad.

The NBA finals took a turn for the boring last night, as the LA takes the series back to BOSTON for the final two games. KOBE played out of his mind last night. The Big three did not answer- so the equation stands at beantown 3-2.

The US open was filled with drama and other things even a Monday morning playoff. Yes Tigers Demise did not happen. In fact I heard best slip up in golf announcing History:

GOLF announcer #1: " Can you believe Rocco Mediate is giving Tiger a run for his money?"

GOLF announcer #2: " No he looks like a guy that would be / should be cleaning out tigers pool"

OK so how many wrongs is that comment, it may have gone undetected- but for me it was the most entertaining point of the whole day of golf. lets just say I hope that the POOL boy wins it today enough said.

See ya'll on the big show Tuesday morning bright and early 5:30 am on the world wide Internet or 92.1 right here in the Midlands.



Nixheckler said...

Nix I'm tired of your incorrectness. Kobe did not play out of his mind, he sucked. And Paul Pierce went for 38. Please, at least read the box score if you are going to pretend you watched the game.

Nixheckler said...


ConfusciousSays...... said...

Man who fart in church sit in own pew.

ConfusciousSays...... said...

Elevator smell different to midget.

MSM said...

to you heckler , he did play out of his mind in the fourth - can you please leave your meth lab for two seconds in your garage and watch the game

Nixheckler said...

Man with holes in pocket feels cocky all day.

ConfusciousSays...... said...

Virginity like baloon---one prick, all gone.

ConfusciousSays...... said...

Tiger Woods will try to win the US Open on Monday in a playoff with Rocco Mediate. In case you've been living under a rock all weekend, Tiger is playing with an injured knee. As Dan Hicks told us countless times throughout the weekend, this was like a combination of Jordan's flu game, Willis Reed, Kirk Gibson, Schilling with the bloody sock, Byron Leftwitch being carried by his teammates, and Matthew Perry finishing the final season of Friends without his pain pills. Only tougher, because golf is a really difficult sport.

Anyone who's ever been injured can relate to Tiger's story. Here's a guy who left his beautiful model wife home with his newborn daughter to play four rounds of golf in front of thousands of adoring fans. Even though he had arthroscopic knee surgery 8 weeks ago. Sure, NFL players bounce back from having their knees scoped in 6 weeks all the time, but this is golf.

Tiger grimaced after most of his drives, but that was only to show the fans that he was really hurt. I know that I'll go in to work on Monday with a renewed commitment to play through the pain and be more like Tiger. Not only is he the greatest golfer ever, he's an inspiration to everyone.

The comparisons to Kirk Gibson, MJ, and Willis Reed didn't seem quite right to me. I knew I had seen that sort of inspirational performance one time in the past, but couldn't place it. Then I remembered where it was.

Tiger Woods is the Kerri Strug of 2008. He's my hero.

Prehistoricskank said...

If u need a datte Nix weed be happie tu go uot wif u

Prehistoricskank said...

Hey nix, you and all you southcarolinians is a buncha HIX!!!!!!

Prehistoricskank said...

NIX loves gun control, PETA, AA, Patriots, Ky wildcats and men.