Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday June 20th

Hey Ya'll,

So once again let me comment that we are one day away from Summer. Why is that? Why does the first day of summer come half way through June? So the Battle for Steel Mill supremacy is now going into it's third match up of the first round, Yesterday Rick Flair Clearly beat me( mojo Nixon) .

We came to that conclusion at Wild Wing cafe last night. So In the Third match up it was kind of a toss up, in fact I will leave the Blog open all weekend for voting . Steely McBeam the Steelers very questionable mascot that was fashioned after "Bil Cowher" .Will be going head to head against the St. Pauly girl. The Buxom Blonde who dishes out all the St. Paulie's ale to all us unsuspecting men. Vote away..........

By god , there is absolutely no sports worth chatting about this weekend, no offense NASCAR, Golf , Horse Racing, oh and Baseball.

Have a great weekend- the Blog will be better next week. More of the tournament and keep the comments coming!

Had My first real awesome interview on the Tyler and Turner Morning Show today, We had Bill Engval on the show and I was absolutely star struck- yes I know it's dumb. But the here's your sign guy told Tyler and Turner to give me a raise. Awesome!

Check out the best of show this weekend starting at 5:30 am tomorrow morning on and 92.1 in the midlands.

( Thanks to Paul's Philadelphia Eatery for all the great food this week) You da man Pauly!!!



Jim Mitchell said...

That was Modeled after Bill Cowher? Dear lord it looks like Bill Cowher knocked up Wario, the Mario Brothers Character and that is the end result not enough lubricant and far too much gin. None the less I am going with Cowher because of his constant and superior look of "Do I smell shit?" and his glorious mustache. Although compared to his counter part he lacks in the square jaw department and I believe Yoshi would kick his ass in a game of Mario-Cart. Cowher in the 10th... If his middle name wasn't Laird it may have ended earlier.

Jim Mitchell said...

Well I guess I misunderstood the match, So in that case here's my real vote I am going with the Little lady that comes on the bottle and here's why: She's German, and nothing beats a German women. They are all either in too bondage and whips and ball gags and safety words or they take steroids to further the prowess of the third Reich in hopes of one days rising up and continuing the Nazi Eugenics program...she's drunk!. It would be a blood bath though because of the fact she would be drunk, dulling her senses leaving her vulnerable to Cowher temper tantrum. The German in 8 prepare your cut man.

Now on a side note i would love to drill that blond chick or the other one on the end in the picture. Not the one in the middle though she looks too hesitant on the mug there if you know what I mean.

Nixheckler said...

I'm pretty sure that Steely McBeam would beat her up then take advantage of her.

banana hammock said...

Nix, Jeff Foxworthy is the here's your sign guy, not Bill Engval. Get your rednecks straight!

banana hammock said...

Hey nixheckler is your fighting pepperoni squad ready for the upcoming season. They better be, especially on September 17th!

Nixheckler said...

Hey banana hammock, you are an idiot. Jeff Foxworthy does 'you might be a redneck.' Engvall does 'heres your sign'. DOUCHEBAG!!!

banana hammock said...

You are right Nixheckler I am the one that got my rednecks confused. Such hostility in your voice. Is someone having a bad day or are you just upset already that your Cards are gonna suck again this year?

Nixheckler said...

This new guy 'James', he's a little long winded.

Nixheckler said...

Hey nix, I think you should consider improving your blog.

Nixheckler said...

Bill Engval is an idiot, a queer, a los angelan, a nonredneck, a fake, has homosexual tendancies, has a limp wrist and is not funny in the least

Nixheckler said...

I just listened to the interview. I vomited in my mouth when I heard you kissin engvals a$$. You suck!!!!!!!!