Monday, June 2, 2008

Case of the Mundays?

Hey Ya'll,

Just jumped off the big steel bird back from Louisville- had an excellent time as usual. My Liver is looking for donations for a new liver. Enough said. Great to be back in the capital City. Oh by the way the Josh day ALL-Stars lost in the Semi-finals of the St. Elizabeth Basketball tournament. What a shame, we all Had a great outing and with one more win could have been champs , Possibly it will be 7th time the charm to repeat for the ole' NIX.

The Camera had a major break down along with the phone this weekend , so not many photos taken. Here was the agenda, Thursday Commissioner Jerry day took the Boys out for a nice afternoon/night of wagering at the illustrious Church Hill downs. It was a great time. Friday Was the First round of the tournament ( where we had a big win) Saturday the same and then the actual 10 hour tournament on Sunday. It was a Good run, and another great coaching experience. Oh by the way life time coaching record for the NIX stands at 33-10.

Fun with pictures, look at these two pictures and tell me what is wrong- everything of course. The first Picture is right in front of one of our friends homes and yes it is the name of a planet( or is it?)?

Scotty Kinderman provides us with the next feel good picture which on second glance also is not what you think( it's his leg). I know almost inappropriate. Pretty good stuff though.

Great Big sports week starting with Game 5- where the Pens will win. We have a preview of the Preakness, and a major flop in MMA this past weekend? Check out all this and more on NEW92 on the world wide intra-net.

talk to ya'll tomorrow- out



Nixheckler said...

I can't belive scott would just drop his drawers and take a picture of his butt right in front of everyone. UNBELIEVEABLE!

Nixheckler said...

Hey Nix, did you go up Uranus, or down Uranus? How many Dominican's were on Uranus? And did you smoke that brown tipped cigar after Scott got done with it?

Nixheckler said...

"I'll be waiting on your front steps for you tonight"
-Tiffaney Perry

Nixheckler said...

"Mulligan! Did you say your name was Mulligan!?"

Nixheckler said...

I feel that you would be an all around better person and coach if you showed more respect for Jimmy Just and his family. He is by far one of the greatest people to ever live.

Unknown said...

Hey Nix, that wasn't my knee. Unless you are talking about my hiNEY!!!