Friday, September 26, 2008

Thank god its the MSM!

Hello Yinzers,

In the world of sports broadcasting there is allot of backtracking as the big name teams fall , left and right. A week ago the Trojans of USC California were said to be unbreakable , unstoppable and Beaver proof. Well that is not the case they fell for the second time in three years to the feet of The Oregon State Beavers. Well just like a bad breakup the sports writers will now plead for the Trojans to take them back and if they do run the table will win the PAC 10 and meet in the BCS- ah but will they get to play for something? NAH .....probably not. Nice work beavers!


You know when you were little and you went to school on a rainy Friday and just didn't want to be there so you "fake a cough and had a fever" ( well I did) and your grandma would show up and get you instant half day. That is how I feel about watching the Steelers on Monday night it is really either going to be quite a beating or we are going to take one. I am very worried without the presence of Willie Parker and "Big Snack" Casey Hampton. Plus there are rumblings on the message boards about the Tomlin era already, I know it is going to take time, and with a fixed line we could be a threat. as of right now the AFC is totally up for grabs. Steelers - Ravens 8:30 Monday night.

Pitt basketball

So Pitt basketball coach Jamie Dixon got an extension, and he will be heading the panthers for a few more years. That is great maybe we can win an elite 8 game before I apply for AARP. Congrats - please win the big one.

Penguins are in Toronto for a preseason scrimmage game at 7:30pm tonight- please no more injuries.

I couldn't find a Trojan Suck video but this will do.............

I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend , thanks for reading!



Anonymous said...

nittany lions eat beavers, beavers eat wood...i have no special words for "usc f@#$%ing sucks peepee."

uptil6 said...

Nix I got word from some paolians that the RNO went down like usual with you and the heckler fighting like a married couple and finishing well back. They said that a kid named Scott came in and made a small run but lost all faith when a stumbling drunk crushed you in all of your best games to pull away again. I feel sorry for the Scott kid and think that you should at least once let him feel like he has a chance. Please let us know if this is all true.