Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who would you Polka Tuesday?

Ok Yinzers,

Sorry about the late blog here, but I am swamped with school, work and life. Today this blog is all about you ( and Me) ok us. Lets start with you , who would you polka? Seriously here are some options:

Can't Play tennis!

tampa's finest

Tampa TWO!

So serious who would you Polka?


Being a Baseball fan does not mean much when you pull for the Pirates anymore- we just signed another high price rookie to back up our no offense and no Defense. Great something to loo forward too. We have a great stadium, pirogi races etc etc. but no team. So I am sure I will talk about baseball playoffs when they come around but until then - we still don't care!

Penn State Foosball

I will put money on it that Joe Pa could still get layed at a mixer in Penn State these days. I mean come on here we are again Nitany Lions undefeated going into the white out game against Ill-ini annoying. give me a break I HATE that damn orange team. I hate Ron Zook, and for the love of god Penn State better give them the damnedest White out ever this week ABC 8pm!

Paul's Philadelphia Eatery Needs your help!

I sometimes work at Paul's on the weekends for some cash here and there, but Paul needs you to have a Cheese steak! This place is damn good- great food great people. Brand new 52'' Tv and Beer. Bring your broad and get to Paul's tell them the MSM sent you and you will get 10% off!

Have a great Tuesday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may i ask why there are NO BRUNETTES to polka??? wtf, mate?