Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Delusional Thursday!!

I call it delusional Thursday because Nix has predicted South Carolina to defeat Georgia this Saturday. I say there is a better chance that Obama wins the election! NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!

My prediction record so far is 12-4.

Upset watch 3-1.

Upset but won't be 2-0

Week 1 NFL has left us with some interesting things as we move forward. Like Cleveland sucks, New England is gonna suck, Indianapolis is not what they used to be and San Diego isn't either. So what does that leave us with? The Steelers!!!! And oh yeah...Lady Quinn will be starting for Cleveland by week 4.

They pounded the Texans like a 2 dollar whore, and they'll do the same to the Brownie's this Sunday night.

Steelers 34 Brownies 17. Remember kids-"If it's brown, flush it down!"

I really shouldn't be happy that Brady blew his knee out, but I am.

Shawn Merriman done. "oh he's tough, he tried, blah, blah, blah". I say bull, he's a whiny baby. Maybe this is justice for the excessive steroid use. Just maybe.

Peyton didn't have a preseason, whah, whah, whah, cry me a river!

Vince Young didn't want to go back in the game after he was booed, get the hell over it or give back your millions and go back to partying shirtless with a bunch of guys(if that doesn't tell you something nothing will). If that's not bad enough his mommy is coming to the rescue. F off Young...YOU SUCK!!!

And in college football news-Notre Dame still sucks!

Michigan still sucks!

Louisville still sucks!

East Carolina doesn't suck!

This weeks fearless predictions-

Pro-Steelers 34 Browns 17, Jets 23 Patriots 21, Indy 30 Minnesota 24, Dallas 32 Phil 20.

Upset alert- San Fran 26 Sea 21

College-Wisc 42 Fresono 21, USC 44 Ohio st 13, ND vs Mich(who cares)

upset alert- Kansas over South Florida 30-20

upset, but won't be- Texas 56 Arkansas10

Pop culture predictions of week. Gizelle breaks up with Tom Brady to date Nix and Brady starts up with Meghan Fox

-The Heckler

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