Sunday, September 7, 2008

Kiss me I'm Blitz Faced!!!!

Hey Yinzers,

It is finally here, the NFL season has started. Thank God. Being from Pittsburgh and dawning my Big Ben Jersey for the first time this year- I got chills. Born in Mckeesport Pa, I am a part of something so great and so exciting and it is a privilege- I am a Pittsburgh steelers fan. There is no other professional fan base -enough said:( welcome back to the burgh Mike Vero)

Here is your NFL weekend recap Top 3:

  1. Pittsburgh Steelers Domination over the Texans:

Yes it's the morning steel mill and yes it is a Steelers love fest- so what really happened in the game, 38-17 was quite a number on the score board but what most impressed me was the fact that after all this talk about the Texans blitzing and blitzing how would our line hold up. Lets face it , they are just the Texans and we have the Browns next week, ok they are just the browns- you know what I am saying.

Receiving corp looked amazing, Ben was absolutely ridiculous and Heinz Field is the most intimidating place to play in the NFL. Great crowd at Wally's Ale house on Broad River Road yesterday. He has great specials lined up for Sunday's slug fest with the Browns.

2. Carolina Panthers last second comeback :

Is that a pulse I hear in Charlotte, my god it is, and by God what a win. Knowing this is John Fox's last year in Carolina we all know that Bill Cowher will be groomed and brought in somewhere right after the super bowl. But what a way for Jake Delholmeeeeee to find a receiver and hush the charger crowd. AS you know most Charger Fans are actually closet Pittsburgh Steeler fans.

3. Tom Brady needs a tampon, for the rest of the season:

This puts allot of questions to rest like, Is Jesus a Pittsburgh steeler fan, yes he is. Plain and simple. As you all know by now Tom Brady may have ruptured/torn ACL. I never wish any harm to any player anywhere- but isn't it ironic( alanyss morisett-what ever spelled wrong) that they whole spy gate thing never was brought up again and was swept under the table- i hate to say that this is vindication for their sins but come on. Now the AFC is wide open and after watching the Colts look like crap- as long as the Steelers look healthy we have a good chance for this season. By the way I hate the Patriots.

MSM death Tournament:

After weeks and weeks of nonsense with the made up death tournament it is my pleasure to award the MSM death tournament championship to BIGFOOT. What a guy , or ape or woodland creature- just what ever congratulations on the huge win and reining championship .

Enjoy this Victory song!

Thanks again to all the readers of the MSM and my great staff that may be growing as we keep getting more and more readers along with the amount of sports going on.

If you are in Columbia South Carolina stop by and say hi at Paul's Philadelphia eatery on gervais street right next to the Flying saucer.

Have a great Monday and watch your knee, ya know the good one.


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