Friday, September 5, 2008

Is that a Hurricane-a- Blow'n?

Nope its Just the South Carolina Gamecocks. Congratulations gentlemen you were just beat by the Washington Generals of the SEC... Again. Remember when that happened last year? Is it that you just don't like going to a bowl game or is that you just really enjoy walking around your school with a false sense of entitlement after a humiliating loss? Here is my suggestion learn how to read and possibly write. We all can't sign with an "X". Trust me it will come in handy when you are trying to endorse those Pay checks from Hardees and Chik Fil-A.

And how about that commentating last night that was just phenomenal. I Particularly enjoyed the fifteen minute conversation about Royal Crown Cola and what was served with it back in the 50's and 60's during the game. Oh how delightful that was. The Ol' Ball Coach's wife wasn't cringing at how bad the Gamecocks were playing. She had her face buried in her palms half the game because of the inane banter between the three mildly retarded chimps up in the press box talking about everything but what they were supposed to be talking about... THE GAME!

What an awful viewing experience. The commercials for the SEC and South Carolina were even worse. I am almost ashamed that I was a part either of these two organizations. Everything about that game was an awful representation of the athletic conference and the University. For shame.

Paterno needs to retire and Lou needs to shut the hell up. You are both crazy old men who need to go a way, seriously you are an iritation and you are both older than dirt. Does

In the NFL last night the Giants won on the back of their defense and Eli ran for a touch down. Watching Eli run for a touch is like watching a new born baby horse trying to walk, you just hope he can hold himself up under his own power. It should be an interesting season. Does Soylent Green mean anything to you two?

Chad Ocho Cinco? Really. This guy is about as self agrandizing as opposing Political Conventions. If He pats himself on the back anymore for lack of accomplishments he is going end up with tendonitis in his elbow. Someone just put two in the back of his head and call it a day... For those of you who haven't heard Chad Johnson of the bengals has had his last name legal changed to Ocho Cinco and the NFL has decided to recognize it. I think this is far worse than spy gate.

A-rod you Still suck, Rays Win.

I didn't hear the name Phelps once this week.

Good night everyone... Chevy Are thoughts are with you!

1 comment:

Coach Tomlin said...

Wade...fucking styx me that 38-17 victory......i looked good w/ my pimp shades on the sideline....kfc for all