In fact lets go through the best highlights of this season
Drinking for the Troops in Iraq( Just don't ask him where it is)
Reaching out to the "others" in the community- just kidding life long friend Augustus!
Playing with his number one fan( not really) OK maybe?
Tomorrow, we will start looking at Pre-season Camps for the NFL-and where the Baseball season is going( then back to football) Again!
We will also continue with the celebration of Travis Day for his 30th Birthday!
So here is the deal I was at the wing Tuesday night trying to decide whom got shafted in getting into the MSM death Tournament? Here is my list and reason why :
SO last night in the WNBA there was a huge fight- with the original bad boy Bill Lambier Huge cat fight 7 people were ejected 11 gals were involved. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened in the WNBA here is the video:Really Crappy Video
Today in the MSM death TOURNAMENT ANOTHER second round upset from last night Bigfoot Smashed the Competition against the Smurfs and She-Ra........
The rules stay the same, pick your winner and the reason why and yes we are only accepting online comments to be counted as votes. Just think when this tournament is done Football season will be here.
Lets start with our first second round match up in the MSM death tournament:
Billie Mays
Vote early and often and We here at MSM really appreciate all the support we have been getting in the past couple months. Keep on Keeping on!
See Everyone on Tuesday!