
(Forest Griffen- no relation to peter)

( Real life picture of Peter Griffin)isn't the Internet great!
It's a mascot Gang fight, The Sausages from the Milwaukee Brewers are taking on the Perogis from the Pittsburgh Pirates. With a side of butter and onions I think I know who is going to win this polyester gang war. In fact they are going to battle for two days-so vote more than once over the next two days. We will go into specifics about each of the Pirogi sand Sausages tomorrow.
Listen every morning to the TNT Morning hysteria on 92.1 in the midlands or on your 'puter at NEW92.1
Have a Great Thursday!!
This weekends winner in a very close battle was Steely McBEam. The mis-judged Pittsburgh Steeler Mascot wins in a close battle with the St. Paulies girl. I will try to have the brackets up soon and the next match up schedualed for tommorow. Stay tuned and keep voting!