Thursday, April 7, 2011

So the Sox are off to an 0-6 start which is leaving 5 states and Half of Connecticut collectively and nonsensically uttering, "Bucky F***ing Dent," it's like a default setting. You would never know that Boston is regularly voted one of the top sports cities in the country if you ever talk to a New England sports fan. There is always something to criticize if it's not the actually performance of the team or the players it's someones hair cut, a pony tail Tom... Really a pony tail. But the thing of it is being the team or the favorite player of a New England sports fan is liking being the fat younger sibling of the not quite popular Goth kid in high school, if you trash talk or lay a finger on their team they will cut you.

Plus look at retarded quotes like this one from Kevin Youkillis after losing to the Tribe by single damn run, "It can't get any worse than this and there's only one way to go, That's up."

Red Sox Worst Starts in History:

YearStartFinal W-L

How bout we break that 1945 streak huh?!

Who's Classier?

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